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Taiwan: Residents of Taipei Central Yonghe Area Warmly Welcome Falun Gong Study Camp (Photos)

Aug. 19, 2002 |   By Practitioners from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 3, 2002, practitioners in Taipei County's Central Yonghe area held a one-day Falun Gong study camp at the Yonghe City Sun Zhongshan Memorial. Over 200 residents attended the study camp. Many people started learning the Falun Gong exercises with great interest and praised Dafa practitioners' compassion and unselfishness after having listened to practitioners' cultivation experiences.

Yonghe City Mayor speaking at the study camp Mr. Zhang Qingxi of Taiwan Falun Gong Study Society presenting a set of Dafa material to the mayor of Yonghe City Over 200 residents learning Falun Gong exercises

The Central Yonghe area has a large population, and it is a famous cultural and educational district in the greater Taipei area. Falun Gong started to spread in the Shuanghe area six years ago and is warmly welcomed by general public. Now practice sites are distributed widely in schools and parks in the Shuanghe area.

In recent years Falun Gong has received wide coverage in media. Every morning many residents stop and watch while practitioners do morning practice. Upon seeing the peaceful and serene scenes of the practice as well as the practitioners' compassionate and kind conduct, the negative propaganda collapsed and the residents could objectively analyze the situation.

Practitioners in the Shuanghe area used different channels to inform the public, making the event a success. Yonghe City Mayor Hong Yiping attended the study camp. He spoke to the audience and listened to practitioners' experience sharing. Mr. Zhang Qingxi of the Taiwan Falun Dafa Study Society presented him a set of Dafa materials, which he happily accepted. Mr. Zhang has chosen to stand with justice and moral principle, in spite of the Jiang regime's slander and suppression of Falun Gong.