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Sweden: Exhibition and Exercises Receive Strong Public Support (Photos)

Aug. 19, 2002

On July 26th, practitioners gathered on the plaza in Umea (a town in northern Sweden) to tell people about Falun Gong and draw peoples' attention to the three year long persecution in China. We displayed a photo exhibition showing the history of Falun Gong, showed the exercises to the public, and made speeches. One practitioner read a poem.

Many onlookers were interested in the exhibition and showed sympathy for the practitioners suffering at the hands of Jiang Zemin's regime. One female spectator cheerfully said, "Great. Keep on doing what you are doing!" Another person said, "That meditation - it's so cool! It is good to be able to be so calm."

A reporter from Swedish newspaper Vasterbottens Kuriren together with a photographer came and wrote an article about the event. The article was published the day after with a picture of one of the practitioners sitting in meditation. The reporter was himself very interested and said he would like to learn the exercises when he had the time.

This event was a part of the Scandinavian SOS-tour, which aimed at drawing attention to the third anniversary of the persecution. The SOS-tour first focused on the major cities, then local practitioners arranged their own truth clarification events.