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Hong Kong Practitioners Conducted Themselves Righteously In the Face of the False Charges

Aug. 20, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) L (name omitted for security reasons) is one of the witnesses who attended the trial. During the interrogation, L answered the prosecutor's questions in a noble manner. At the same time, the practitioner made use of various opportunities to clearly point out the truth behind the false charges, thus effectively exposing the ill intent behind the accusations. As a result the prosecutor was left with no argument on many occasions.

During cross-examination, the prosecutor noticed that L read from a notebook whenever he answered questions. He loudly accused the practitioner of relying on notes to help retain consistency in his affidavits and the Judge ordered L to hand his notebook over to the court. The prosecutor again attempted to lessen the trustworthiness of this practitioner's statements by mentioning the notebook again in his closing remarks.

Some time later, L shared a copy of his notes with the other practitioners. The contents included sentences of encouragement for the practitioner to think and act righteously. For example, "Every word, and every sentence must be in accordance with "Truth, Compassion and Forbearance," and "clarify the truth with compassion, and never become angry" and "speak the truth without engaging in argument." There were also statements exposing the reality behind the trial, such as, "Today's case is not about obstructing the street; this fact does not need to be discussed. This case is a battle between the righteous and the evil, the kind and the malicious." The practitioners were moved by L's righteous thoughts, and immediately came to the understanding that everyone should make full use of this opportunity to clarify the truth and let the public know the purity of Falun Dafa practitioners, and to realize the absurdity of the false charges.

Afterwards, the practitioners quoted from L's notes during group discussion and pointed out that they were simply Fa principles and his understanding of them. They praised L's righteous actions. Prior to the trial the next day, the practitioners communicated with their lawyer. After reading quotes from L's notes, their lawyer was pleased. He used the practitioner's materials and added, "I wish all my witnesses could be like L."

The righteousness and determination of the practitioner were fully exhibited in the court. At the same time, the energy field in the court was changing. Although the judge could take away the practitioner's notes used to encourage righteous actions, the judge could never remove "Truth, Compassion and Forbearance" from the Dafa practitioners' hearts.