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Falun Dafa Associations Around the World Congratulate the Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association on its Foundation

Aug. 22, 2002


Congratulations from the Peruvian Falun Dafa Association

We are glad to hear that the Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association is formally established and we regard it as a great blessing to another country in South America.

Let us cherish everything Teacher has given to us. Let us clarify the truth, save people and send forth righteous thoughts to end this persecution, thereby letting the wonder of Falun Dafa spread to every corner of the world.

The Peruvian Falun Dafa Association in South America

August 9th, 2002


Congratulations from the Taiwanese Falun Dafa Association

We sincerely congratulate the foundation of the Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association! We are very happy to see that one more country and its people are immersed in the illumination of the light of the universal law! We hope we can conduct ourselves well in this righteous path, help our teacher to save people and witness the upcoming moment when all the beings in the new universe celebrate together, and congratulate and greet one another.

Taiwan Falun Dafa Association and all the practitioners

August 10th, 2002


Congratulations from the Canadian Falun Dafa Association

The establishment of Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association marks the new period of time when Falun Dafa is spread in South America and threatens the evil everywhere.

The vigorous wave of Fa-rectification is cleansing all the dirt and dust. We hope all practitioners cherish every second and minute, "save(d) countless sentient beings from degeneration and annihilation" ("The Blessings From Dafa") and cherish this precious chance in the thousands of years.

Canada Falun Dafa Association

August 17th, 2002


Congratulations from the Australian Falun Dafa Association

All Dafa practitioners in Australia warmly congratulate the establishment of Venezuela Falun Dafa Association! Let us form an unbreakable body, clarify the truth holistically, save sentient beings and welcome the moment of the Fa rectification in human world.

Australia Falun Dafa Association

August 9th, 2002


Congratulations from the Mid U. S.A. Falun Dafa Association

It's wonderful to hear of the establishment of the Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association. The practitioners from the Mid U. S. A. Falun Dafa Association express our sincere congratulations to the Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association.

The establishment of another Dafa association in South America will break through the arrangement by the old forces at a quicker pace and allow more and more people in South America to obtain the Fa and be saved. Let us vigorously strive forward together and cooperate as a whole group to take each step well to assist our Teacher and complete the historical tasks bestowed to Dafa practitioners.

All the practitioners in Mid U. S.A. Falun Dafa Association

August 9th, 2002


Congratulations from the Western U. S. Falun Dafa Association

Western U. S. Falun Dafa Association and Western U. S. practitioners congratulate the formal establishment of Venezuela Falun Dafa Association! We are one body; let's take the Fa as our teacher to make improvements as one body and vigorously strive forward together. Let's clarify the truth better and save people, nobly embody the title of "Dafa Disciples in Fa-rectification," and welcome the upcoming moment of the Fa's arrival in the human world.

August 9th, 2002

Western Falun Dafa Association and all the practitioners.