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Righteous Thoughts Under the Baking Sun - Visiting the Cambodian Embassy in Washington, DC

Aug. 22, 2002


On the day that Cambodia violated international treaties by abducting United Nation refugees, Falun Dafa practitioners in Washington, DC contacted the Cambodian Embassy to request an appointment. We had not heard back the next day, so we decided to go in person at noon the following day.

Practitioners held a banner requesting, "Cambodia: Do not help Jiang Zemin kill more innocent people!" We stood quietly under the baking sun. At 1 pm, we asked to meet with embassy officials. An official told us right away, "The person in charge of this matter is in a meeting, please wait 15-20 minutes." After 20 minutes he told us, "The person in charge of this matter has another meeting, which will end around 5 pm." He suggested that we leave the material with them, so they could pass it on to the government in Phnom Penh. They asked us to call the following day, when the person in charge would be there.

As we walked out of the Embassy, we realized after discussion amongst ourselves that, "This matter determines the future of Cambodia. There is nothing more important than this. How can we leave so easily, just because they ask us to? There must be evil interference in this."

Once again within the Fa, practitioners went back to the Embassy and told them, "We can wait until the person in charge is done with his meeting." They used many excuses to avoid the appointment. As practitioners sent forth continuous righteous thoughts, we kept clarifying the truth, telling them what Falun Dafa is, telling them about the persecution in China, and what this incident meant to Cambodia.

We met with the person in charge around 4 pm. It was obvious he did not know about the incident. We introduced Falun Dafa to him, and described the persecution in China. He expressed that he could not believe such evil persecution would happen in China. He felt that the two Falun Dafa practitioners must have violated the law, so they were deported. We presented the book Witness. One page after another showed him photos of Falun Dafa practitioners being tortured in China. He said quickly, "We do not interfere with Chinese affairs." One practitioner told him how he began the cultivation practice, how Falun Dafa changes people's hearts, and enables one to give up evil and choose to be a better person. Another practitioner told of her family member being persecuted in a labor camp. The person in charge finally accepted the truth.

We made it clear that we do not believe Falun Dafa practitioners would violate the law, and that he should not make assumptions without knowing the facts. Cambodia's abduction of United Nation's refugees violates UN regulations, and severely affects Cambodia's international image. Any being or government has to be responsible for its actions. You can escape human laws, but you can never escape the laws of the Universe.

We felt a shift from tension to harmony during our conversation. The official promised that Cambodia would protect the freedom of religious beliefs, and that people would be free to practice Falun Gong in Cambodia. As we were about to leave, he expressed his desire to be friends with us, and welcomed us to call him any time. He promised to pass our message on to the government in Phnom Penh.

Practitioners outside the Embassy held the banner, sent forth righteous thoughts, and passed out relevant material about the incident to passers-by. Whenever embassy officials leaving the building saw our banner, they would ask questions. Practitioners clarified the truth to them, giving them truth clarifying CDs. Some officials took pictures of us from inside the Embassy, and said they would report it to the government in Phnom Penh.

Written on August 15, 2002