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Poem: Righteous Body

Aug. 23, 2002

Sitting here as moments slip past, the clock says time has come again
Steeling the heart while thoughts flow by like a river fed by many streams.
Clamoring to take a place, unrighted elements surface and are displayed
Gaps are exposed in the brightáand unyieldingálight of righteousness.

Sitting here as time bends to a steel will,áseconds fall like cherry blossom petals
Thinking no more and the heart comes to a place of complete stillness.
From far beyond the edge of the cosmos, thundering light descends
All above and below encompassed in divine benevolence that rectifies.

Sitting here without thought of when, endlessness comes to rest
Searchingáthroughout every unrighted element in effortless magnificence.
Gradually self melts away, a massive body is displayed in heaven and earth
The predestinedáwho came for this journey stepáforwardáto fully comply.á