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Letter from Hospital Employees' Union in British Columbia, Canada: Courts Should Not Allow China's Campaign of Terror to be Exported to Hong Kong

Aug. 23, 2002

Hospital Employees' Union

August 16, 2002

Mr. Tung Chee Hwa
Office of the Executive Chief, Hong Kong SAR
5/F, Central Government Offices, Main Wing
Lower Albert Rd, Hong Kong

Ms. Elsie Leung
Department of Justice
23rd floor, High Block
Queensway Government Offices
66 Queensway, Hong Kong

Dear Mr. Hwa and Ms. Leung:

Re: The Trial of the Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong

We understand that the verdict in the trial of 4 Swiss and 12 Hong Kong citizens, practitioners of Falun gong, who staged a peaceful protest outside the Chinese Liaison Office in Hong Kong on March 14th, 2002, is imminent. For a long time, the government of China has undertaken a campaign of persecution against members of this group, who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.

The evidence regarding the events of March 14th clearly show that it was the police authorities who caused obstruction and used violence, and that 50-60 officers were utilized despite the fact that there was a small contingent of demonstrators.

It is very important that Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his supporters not be allowed to export their policies regarding the Falun Dafa and others who advocate for the freedom to express their political views. In China, the authorities were ordered to shoot Falun Gong practitioners who were simply distributing flyers, [so the Hong Kong and Swiss practitioners] initiated a sit-in and hunger strike. Clearly, the extensive video footage, photographs and eye-witness accounts, as well as any knowledge regarding the peaceful philosophy of this group, indicate that the charges of obstructing public property and assaulting police are without foundation and should not have been entertained by the courts.

It is essential that the courts in Hong Kong do not allow the Chinese campaign of terror to be exported into Hong Kong and that the "one country, two systems" policy continue until at least 2047. These citizens, who have been charged as well as other practitioners of Falun Gong, must be allowed to freely express their views and contribute to society rather than be faced with detention, torture, murder and labour camps.

This is an opportunity for the government and judiciary of Hong Kong to send a clear message to the world that they respect the Human Rights that are fundamental for all people, and that Hong Kong is a safe haven for people who want to peacefully express their opinions.

We look forward to hearing of your positive action to help resolve what is becoming a despicable situation.

Yours truly,


Fred Muzin



Judiciary Administrator
Hong Kong Police Force
Vera Yin
Doris LU
International Solidarity Committee
Hon. Bill Graham
Christian Task Force
Ken Devidson ( CUPE, BC )
Kristin Vandervoort
Stephen Howard
Jim Sinclair ( BCFED )
Jane Staschuk ( BCFED )
Amnesty International London
Amnesty International
Keith Martin, MP
Svend Robinson, MP
Bill Blaikle, MP
HEU Provincial Executive