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Two Great Falun Dafa Days on a Terrace of a Fruit Market in Montreal

Sept. 13, 2002 |   Practitioners in Montreal

During the long weekend of August 31st and September 1st 2002, about 25 practitioners participated in two great Falun Dafa days on a terrace of the Atwater Market, a well-known fresh fruit and vegetable market in Montreal, Canada. Demonstrations of Dafa exercises, exercise instruction, Chinese dances and teaching how to make origami lotus flowers were on the program.

The place was wide open. In front was the open market that was filled with lively activity such as people trading goods, eating their breakfast or their lunch, exchanging views, etc. On one side was a bakery where people were served "cr pes fran aises de Marie" and "pain de moisson." People enjoyed their meals while sitting and watching Falun Gong practitioners perform dances and demonstrate the exercises. In the background was a beautiful canal where canoes and light boats often passed by. A small bridge crossed the canal through which innumerable cyclists and pedestrians went back and forth beside the terrace. Falun Dafa newspapers were distributed in person to hundreds of people as they went by.

Dafa music resounded to the great pleasure of passers-by. People stopped to watch the show and asked questions about the persecution. Practitioners answered questions and clarified the truth in depth to many people. Bright sunny weather during those two consecutive days made the two days of spreading the Fa all the more joyful. The hearts of countless Montrealers could hear the truth about Falun Dafa cultivation practice. Nearly all the visitors showed sympathy regarding the persecution and expressed interest in learning the practice. One old gentleman asked a practitioner, "Could I buy a lotus flower?" The practitioner answered, "We don't sell them, but you can have one for free!" The gentleman carefully took the pink paper flower with the words "Falun Dafa is good!" printed in the center. His wife told the practitioner, "He never asked for or accepted something for free in his life."

When the last day was over, everything was packed and we were ready to leave, Dafa music could still be heard on the terrace. We discovered that it was the florist nearby who had previously come to get a CD of Dafa music and the sound came from her store. Truth-clarifying Dafa materials were displayed near the register of her store from that day on, as well as in a gift shop on the other side of the canal.

September 3rd, 2002