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European Parliament Resolution: "Extremely Concerned" with Human Rights in China

Sept. 13, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) The European Parliament adopted a resolution entitled "EU Strategy towards China" [P5_TAPROV(2002)0179] on April 11, 2002, which expressed extreme concern over human rights in China.

The resolution stated that currently in China "the crackdown on fundamental freedoms continues and torture, ill-treatment, arbitrary detention and executions are still used to punish peaceful dissent and against religious communities."

The resolution states that the European Parliament "remains extremely concerned with the overall situation of human rights in China." The Parliament "regrets that it [the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue] has yet to lead to many tangible results."

The resolution "Urges the [European] Commission and [EU] member states to exert a more effective control on products coming from China, making clear to the Chinese authorities that the EU can in no way accept products coming from forced labour camps; it calls on China to end to this practice."

The resolution calls on China to fully "recognise and respect fundamental social, cultural and political rights of religious, ethnic and other minorities as well as their cultural specificities, including the freedom of religious practice."

Original article from: http://clearharmony.net/articles/6991.html