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Young Practitioners' Solemn Declarations

Sept. 14, 2002


I am nine years old. Due to my shallow understanding of Dafa and the attachment of fear, I said something that I should have not said and signed my name under pressure from a schoolteacher. I am sorry, Master. Here I declare that everything I did wrong in the past is invalid. I will try my best to catch up.

Dafa practitioner: Yu Raosong

August 24, 2002

Translated on 9/11/02 from http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2002/9/4/36050.html

Solemn Declaration

I am a junior practitioner. Because I did not study the Fa well, I wrote an article to denounce Dafa against my will. Here I declare that the article is void. I will study Fa well and makeup for the loss I caused Dafa.

Dafa practitioner: Ren Yutian

August 31, 2002

Translated on 9/11/02 from http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2002/9/5/36099.html