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Practitioners from Eastern Sichuan Province Tell People the Facts about Dafa in Front of the Township Government Building

Sept. 14, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 30 and 31, 2002, some lawless hooligans from eastern Sichuan Province forcefully broke into Dafa practitioners' homes and searched randomly everywhere. They not only took away many of Dafa practitioners' belongings, but also kidnapped two practitioners and locked them up inside the building of the township government. Dafa practitioners decided that they should go to the township government to clarify the truth, and request the release of the two detained fellow practitioners.

On the morning of June 3, nine Dafa practitioners arrived at the township government building. Some went inside to send forth righteous thoughts, while the others stayed outside, clarifying the truth. Sitting outside the entrance of the township building, practitioner Yulian (pseudonym) clarified the truth to the crowds. More and more people came to listen. A staff member of the township government, Zhou Jianjiang, pulled up Yulian from the ground and told her, "Practicing Falun Gong is not allowed. Practicing inside the office is to attack Tiananmen. Practicing outside is attacking Zhongnanhai [the place where the central government of China is located]." She continued clarifying the truth. Seeing so many people were listening, the vicious hooligans from the township government were very afraid. They tried to arrest Yulian. In order to help more people hear the truth, she sent forth a thought, "The evil force cannot catch me." She then started to run, and the three scoundrels chased her. Although they were only about one foot behind her, they could not catch Yulian. She thought that she should not run around like this, but return to the township government building to clarify the truth. So she told those running after her, "Freeze." Then the thugs simply walked away. She went back to the township government building to continue clarifying the truth.

The practitioners who went inside the building were locked up inside. An over 50-year-old practitioner jumped off a wall as high as about 10 feet. The passers-by asked her if she was injured, and she said, "I am all right." Then she clarified the truth to the people there and more and more people came to listen. After that, she went to the township government building with some other practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts. Right after 11:00 a.m., several township government officials ran out, seized these four Dafa practitioners, took them inside and locked them up together with the other five practitioners in the corridor where the garbage was stored, which was under the restroom. The corridor was only about 2 feet wide, dark, smelly, and full of mosquitoes. They locked the practitioners up in this place with no food or water. They did not even allow the practitioners to use the restroom. They kept the door locked for two days. In the evening, there were many mosquitoes, but the mosquitoes did not bite the practitioners. The practitioners could not smell the horrible odor. One of the practitioners had a digital watch. Although they could not see anything, it had hourly signals, so they could send forth righteous thoughts by the hour and recite the Fa during the rest of the time. They all felt energetic.

On June 4, the township officials took those practitioners locked in the corridor to their home twice, to extort money. None of the families gave them any money. The evil scoundrels then forcibly broke the door locks and robbed the belongings of practitioners' families. They stole one motorcycle, two 25 inch screen color televisions, one double cassette tape recorder [ expensive items in China], 400 Yuan cash [average monthly income in rural China is about 200 Yuan], and also about 500 lbs. of unprocessed rice. The lawless officer, Zhou had originally planned to steal 1,500 lbs. of the rice. This practitioner said, "You robbed Dafa practitioners' belongings; I will expose your deeds on Minghui Net. He was afraid, and then only stole only 500 lbs.

One vicious official from the township government took away a color TV from a Dafa practitioner's home, and still would not release the practitioner. This Dafa practitioner's mother-in-law said, "My daughter-in-law practices Falun Gong to be a better person. You won't allow her to do that. Does it mean that you want her to be a bad person?" They had to release this Dafa practitioner.