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Truth Clarification Stories

Sept. 14, 2002


Righteous Thoughts Keep Danger Away

One day, Ms. Yang was posting flyers along a country road. Suddenly, three men stopped her and asked her to hand over all Dafa material. One man went to call the police, the other two tried to drag her to the police station. Ms. Yang told them firmly, "I did nothing wrong. I am not going to the police station." Then she started reciting the Fa-rectification formula in silence, broke loose from the men, and walked quickly to her home. The two men were dumbfounded, and were left unable to do anything but watch her walk away.

Telling the Truth Based on the Situation

One day Dafa practitioner Mr.Yi saw Ms. Li. Ms. Li was surprised to learn that Mr. Yi is still a practitioner. She asked, "Isn't it true that the radio has said that Falun Gong is banned?" Ms. Li's husband was a ranking government official and had received harsh treatment during the Cultural Revolution. Mr. Yi replied, "How could you believe what the radio says? During the Cultural Revolution, many officials like your husband were dragged to public denunciation meetings. Later on, people found out it was wrong. I knew that your husband was a good person. Right now, the same situation is happening to Dafa practitioners. Dafa practitioners are good people. Our Teacher instructs us to become better people, but we are under brutal persecution." Mrs. Li nodded and said, "I see. It's all clear to me now. Thanks so much for telling me the truth."

Righteous Thoughts Protect Truth Clarification Flyers

Ms. Ying posted a flyer at a busy street corner. After she had done so, she sent forth the thought, "The flyer can only be seen by good people, so they can get to know Dafa and become practitioners in the future. Bad people can't see it." Every day, she would walk by the street and repeat the same thought. Several days later, she discovered that the poster was still there while other flyers had been taken down. She realized this was due to the effect of righteous thoughts. This flyer remained for more than twenty days! Ms. Ying later posted another flyer at a busy intersection. As before, she sent forth righteous thought. Forty days have passed, and the flyer is still there!

Truth Clarification in a Remote Mountain Village

My wife, mother in-law and I brought Dafa materials to remote mountain villages. We told many of the kind-hearted villagers about the persecution of Falun Gong. They expressed a great sympathy towards Dafa. We told them over and over that they should remember Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and that Falun Dafa is good. People all willingly accepted the VCDs and other Dafa materials. They also expressed genuine gratitude by saying, "Thank you all." I felt that people truly want to learn more about Falun Dafa.