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Villabyerne [Danish Newspaper]: Resident Writes to Danish Newspaper to Support Falun Gong and Condemn the Persecution

Sept. 14, 2002

28 August 2002

The Police Chief and Falun Gong

A while ago I heard that the police chief in Gentofte [area in Copenhagen where the Chinese Embassy is located] has ordered a ban against Falun Gong's demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy one month ahead of an official visit from Chinese officials. Why are they demonstrating? Because their spiritual ideals are not tolerated by the Communist Regime. They are persecuted with torture, imprisonment, and execution. Where are the ethics and morality in the police chief's decision? It is not even at government level that they are demonstrating, so the [Danish] government cannot be accused of bringing embarrassment to China. Have Buchenwald and other KZ-camps [Nazi Concentration Camps from Hitler's time] not taught us a lesson? Einstein said these words: "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.."

[name and address of the author omitted to avoid Chinese embassy's harassment]