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AP Reports that Hong Kong Will Soon Consider Enacting the "Anti-Subversion" Law (excerpt)

Sept. 14, 2002 |   By DIRK BEVERIDGE

(Clearwisdom.net) After five years as part of China, Hong Kong must soon enact an anti-subversion law, the justice secretary said Friday in an announcement critics have been dreading ever since the handover.

Rights activists warned such a law could strip the former British colony of the freedoms left in place under an arrangement dubbed "one country, two systems" that recognizes China's sovereignty while granting considerable local autonomy.

"This will be the greatest test of Hong Kong's freedom of speech since the handover," said Law Yuk-kai, director of the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor. "If the law is intended to find those who say things against Beijing guilty, Hong Kong will be no different from any other mainland Chinese city," said Law.

When Hong Kong joined China on July 1, 1997, it began operating under a mini-constitution, known as the Basic Law, which guarantees Western-style civil liberties such as freedoms of speech, press and assembly.

But the constitution's Article 23 says Hong Kong must "enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the central people's government or theft of state secrets."


Hong Kong officials have sought to calm worries the law will crush freedoms or become a tool to target individuals or groups.

The government has pledged a full public debate over the law, which must also stop foreign groups from staging political activities in Hong Kong and prevent local political groups from linking up with foreign organizations.

But Kan Hung-cheung, a spokesman for the Falun Gong meditation [group], said his group could be targeted. Banned by Beijing [...], Falun Gong frequently protests here against China's [persecution].

Several papers reported Friday that under the law, the news media will still be allowed to cover touchy subjects such as Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian's remarks on independence. But they could be charged with sedition for continuously publishing articles attacking the central government or promoting independence for Taiwan or Tibet.


Hong Kong's top opposition figure, Martin Lee of the Democratic Party, called the law unnecessary. Hong Kong has numerous protests, many calling for democracy in China or an end to the persecution of Falun Gong, but most are small and peaceful.

"Nobody's clamoring for independence," Lee said.

Leung, however, urged people to avoid overreacting until they get the facts.

"Don't speculate or guess beforehand, until the information is ready, then everybody can criticize and give suggestions," she said.

Rights activist Law said he believed the law would be unveiled in weeks, although Leung offered no timetable.