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Canada: Stories from the Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition in London, Ontario (Photos)

Sept. 14, 2002 |   By practitioners from London City, Ontario

(Clearwisdom.net) The City of London, Ontario has a population of 330,000. On August 29 and 30, the "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition that is touring the world was held in the City Hall there. Before the photo exhibition, a vice-consul from the Chinese Consulate spread fabricated lies to the local media and the city hall, attempting to prevent this photo exhibition. Actually, people outside China all understand that when Chinese Consulate officials' talk about the "re-education" of Falun Gong practitioners, they in fact mean brainwashing. The cultivation of Falun Dafa is completely voluntary. Practitioners are free to come and go. However, the "re-education" is intended to force people to give up their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Some practitioners were even "transformed" to death. The vicious people thought that the situation here was the same as in China and that they could deceive people. The results can be well imagined. Through practitioners' clarifying the truth and their kind and righteous conduct, the city hall staff supported the photo exhibition, which made the Chinese Consulate's vicious attempt in vain.

Entrance of the exhibition hall.A visitor.Local newspaper photographer.

On August 28, a day before the exhibition, Ontario practitioners held a press conference in London regarding rescuing Canadian residents' family members who are suffering from persecution in China. Thus, local media gave full attention to this exhibition. The chief secretary kindly suggested that August 29 and 30 would be a good opportunity to hold the exhibition as there would be lots of people coming during that time to turn in their taxes.

On August 29, reporters from a local newspaper came to conduct interviews and take photographs. Later, TV station reporters also came to interview us and broadcast their stories in the evening news. They also briefly introduced Falun Dafa's fundamental teachings of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance and the practice, as well as the ongoing persecution in China.

Below are a few stories during the photo exhibition:

  1. Some staff of the city hall came to the exhibition hall during their work break. One of them asked us what the CDs with Chinese labels were. When we told him that those CDs were recorded music composed by Falun Gong practitioners, he asked us for one. Shortly after, he came again and asked for one more for his friend. He exclaimed that the music was so wonderful. The language of music is common, and Dafa practitioners' compassion and grace can be felt. Later, his colleagues all came over to ask for the music CDs. Over 20 music CDs that we brought were quickly distributed.
  2. After taking the music CD, a middle-aged westerner particularly asked many details about Dafa. He told us that his girlfriend is a Chinese girl. Soon after he left, when I was just worrying that his girlfriend might not know about the truth of Dafa, I saw him turn around and come back to ask for a Chinese CD. We gave him 2 CDs, and truly felt happy for both him and his girlfriend.
  3. A desk clerk of the city hall came to the exhibition hall during his break to watch the photos and ask details about Dafa. She could not understand why the Jiang regime would persecute Falun Gong. At that point, one of her coworkers came up. After she understood the reasons, she started helping us to clarify the truth to her colleague and encourage her to sign the petition, saying that this would urge the Canadian government to pressure the Chinese government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong.
  4. Two sisters came to visit this exhibition after watching the advertisement. After viewing the photos, they wanted to learn the Falun Gong exercises. Practitioners happily taught them the movements. The younger sister said that she felt very strong energy. Before and after the photo exhibition, a number of people called us asking to learn Falun Gong.