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Iowa: Falun Dafa Introductory Class Held in Iowa City (Photo)

Sept. 20, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) Iowa City is one of the major cities in the state of Iowa. We have been thinking of introducing Falun Dafa to the people there for a long time. On September 15, 2002, we held a 2-hour Falun Dafa introductory class in Iowa City. Attendees included local residents and students. Some of them learned the exercises before at Washington DC, and some had even read Zhuan Falun. During the class, we introduced the 10 years of Falun Dafa's wide spread across the world, played the exercise instruction videotape and taught the exercises. At the end of the class, the attendees volunteered to set up a local practice site and signed their names on the postcards urging President Bush to bring up the human rights of Falun Gong practitioner when the Chinese dictator comes to visit the U.S.