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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Around the World Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year

Jan. 1, 2003


We have received numerous "Happy New Year" greetings to the Master from disciples around the world. Due to our limited resources, we can translate only a few to share with our readers.

Changchun Dafa Disciples Wish Master a Happy New Year

New Year's Day 2003 is approaching. We, the Falun Dafa practitioners in Changchun, would like to extend our heartfelt respect and greetings to our venerable Master.

We will treasure this most precious chance of Fa-rectification by living up to our great vow to walk every step steadily. We will greet the coming of the day when the Fa rectifies the human world.

Dafa Disciples in Changchun

December 25, 2002

Shenyang Dafa Disciples Send New Year's Greetings to Master

Our Most Respected and Revered Great Master,

We, the Dafa disciples from Shenyang, wish to extend our greetings to you with our purest hearts as the New Year of 2003 approaches: Greetings, Master!

Master, during ten years of Fa-rectification, you saved the universe when it was on the brink of disintegration. You saved countless sentient beings who were almost eliminated. You created the everlasting principles of the new firmament, which are harmonious and indestructible. Master, you have endured everything for the sentient beings in the universe, and have given us the most beautiful things in the universe. We cannot find the appropriate words to express ourselves and we just want to say from the bottom of our hearts, "Master, you have been working so hard!"

Over the past year, we have gradually grown mature and stepped on the righteous path of cultivation set forth for us by Master. This was done in the process of completely denying the arrangements made by the old forces and validating Dafa.

For the coming New Year, we will treasure this precious time and the chance to continue to take the Fa as our teacher. We will try our best to be qualified Dafa disciples in assisting Master in the Fa-rectification. We will live up to expectations by clarifying the truth comprehensively, eliminating the evil with righteous thoughts, saving the sentient beings and spreading the Fa with compassion.

Shenyang Dafa disciples

December 26, 2002

Dalian Dafa Disciples Miss Master

With the coming of New Year's 2003, we, as disciples, miss Master even more. We disciples know that even better blessings and language cannot fully express our hearts. Only when we cultivate ourselves well enough will our Master feel most gratified.

The first anniversary for the January 9th "Falun Dafa Day in Dalian" is coming. Last year, when we prepared for this sacred date, some Dafa disciples did not study the Fa well enough, and in doing Dafa work neglected the fact that we are Fa-rectification cultivation disciples. We incurred large losses. We disciples know that Master has endured for us countless tribulations. We do not want Master to endure any more for us. We must cultivate diligently and solidly and set strict requirements for ourselves so as to achieve this. We should absolutely not allow the old forces and the evil to make use of our so-called "loopholes."

Master, in your compassion you have told us, "Don't dwell on your past mistakes--if you've made mistakes, then do well from now on."(Touring North America to Teach the Fa)

This year, for the anniversary of Falun Dafa Day, we disciples will not be that immature. Just as Master said, "...our Dafa disciples as a whole have become more and more mature, and they're handling all of this with greater and greater rationality, composure, steadfastness, and seriousness. " ("Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference"). Master, please feel rest assured, we will take the Fa as teacher and get rid of all our attachments. No matter how difficult the tests or the tribulations are, we will try hard to overcome them. Nothing can daunt Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. We disciples will cultivate diligently and live up to Master's compassionate mercy. We will clarify the truth, assist Master in rectifying the Fa, and save the sentient beings until the Fa rectifies the human world. We, as disciples, will meet our Master in an open and aboveboard manner!

We wish our Master a Happy New Year!

Dalian Dafa disciples

December 27, 2002

With the Coming of the New Spring, All Falun Dafa Practitioners in Liaozhong County Wish Our Great Master a Happy New Year!

Master, You have been working hard!

For over three years now, we have walked on the path of Fa-rectification cultivation with the help of Master's compassionate care. Master, please rest assured, the Fa-rectification has come to this stage and we will not have sadness nor will we shed tears anymore. What we will do is have determined belief in Dafa and Master. We will walk on the path of returning to our purest self diligently until the day comes for the Fa to rectify the human world.


December 25, 2002

Dafa Disciples from Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Who Have Become Destitute and Homeless Wish Master a Happy New Year!

We will do well with what we are supposed to: studying the Fa well, placing the Fa first, sending forth righteous thoughts, clarifying the truth, and saving the sentient beings. Master please rest assured!

Falun Dafa Disciples from Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, who have become destitute and homeless

December 25, 2002

Dafa Disciples from Zhejiang Province Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Clearwisdom.net, with New Year's Day approaching, please pass on our greetings to Master: Disciples in Mainland China all miss you. We respectfully wish our Master a Happy New Year! We also want our Master to feel rest assured that we will cultivate more diligently and become more mature so that we can assist Master in the human world.

Meanwhile, we also want to thank all the overseas practitioners and people of justice who have helped and supported us. We wish you a Happy New Year!

All Dafa disciples from Zhejiang Province

December 25, 2002

Dafa Disciples from Japan Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Our revered Master has rectified the Fa for ten years in order to save countless sentient beings in the firmament. As disciples, we can feel deeply all the difficulties and the hardships that Master has suffered for the sentient beings in the universe. Master's grace is so enormous and powerful, and we can find no words to express ourselves. With the New Spring coming, we disciples would like to express our highest respect and holiday greetings. Please accept our sincerest regards: Master, Greetings! We disciples miss you! You have been working hard!

We feel so lucky and honored to live in this period when Dafa is spreading over the world and to have the honor to become Fa-rectification disciples assisting Master in rectifying the Fa. We also understand the sacred mission and significant responsibilities that we Fa-rectification disciples shoulder.

The New Year is coming. We disciples will follow Master's teaching by treasuring this time and this chance for cultivation. We will try our best to clarify the truth comprehensively together with fellow practitioners around the world, and we will try our best to save the sentient beings. We will try to accomplish our mission as Fa-rectification disciples and live up to Master's compassionate patience and also to the sentient beings' expectation to be saved. At the same time, we will constantly rectify ourselves to get rid of all our attachments. We will wait for the coming of the sacred moment when the Fa rectifies the human world and both the earth and heaven celebrate together with a compassionate, peaceful and pure state of mind.

Dafa Disciples from Japan

December 26, 2002