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Michigan: Dafa Practitioners Call on People of the World to Join Together and End the Brutal Suppression of Falun Gong Practitioners in China (Photos)

Jan. 16, 2003 |   By Dafa Practitioners in Michigan, the US

(Clearwisdom.net) From 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on January 14, 2003, Michigan Falun Dafa practitioners held a press conference and candlelight vigil on the lawn in front of the city hall of Southfield, exposing the ongoing brutal suppression on Falun Dafa in China, and calling on kind-hearted people around in the world to uphold justice, and to end state terrorism in China using righteous thoughts and belief.

Falun Dafa practitioners participating in the appeal come from all walks of life, including directors within the three largest US automobile companies, senior engineers, scientific researchers, housewives, and real estate agents. They share one wish, that is, to let people know the truth about Falun Gong and to clear away the evil propaganda that has deceived kind-hearted people into participating in the persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners. The practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts, clarified the truth, displayed Dafa practitioners' goodness and righteousness to reporters and the public.

Two influential local western newspapers, the Detroit News and Anecdote Newspaper, New Tang Dynasty TV Station and the Epoch Times sent reporters to conduct interviews.