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Clarifying the Truth with Righteous Thoughts and Wisdom: Stories on the Path of Fa-Rectification

Jan. 20, 2003 |   By Dafa Practitioners from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I was more confident after I read Master's article, "Hurry Up And Tell Them."

On the same day, I saw a few seniors reading a poem together, and I went to have a chat with them. I told them I was a Falun Gong practitioner and read several paragraphs of Master's article. Because of the effects of an injury I suffered, I used to have difficulty with my memory. But after practice, I could recite many of Master's articles. Then I told them the true situation about Falun Gong. After hearing that, one of them said, "Oh, so that is the real story."

On my way home, five elderly ladies were chatting, so I went to say hello to them. They said they believed in Buddha. I answered, "Me too. I practice Falun Gong." Then I told them the truth of the "Tiananmen self-immolation" incident. I also read a few of Master's articles. They all thought highly of them. I said, "Learning the truth will bring good rewards." Some of them thanked me with heshi [gesture of greeting and appreciation].

Later, a lady said to me, "I practiced Falun Gong before. However, a very short time later, the government did not permit the practice so I gave it up. But every day when I come back home and the floor stairs are very dark, I can see a round and bright thing rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise." I told her, "That is Falun. How compassionate is Master. You have given up for several years, yet Master still lets you see." She said, "I will go back to reading Dafa books."

On this day, I knew from my heart that Master was helping me offer salvation to predestined people. Many thanks to Master.