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Dafa Practitioners Thwart Reporters' Attempt to Create Negative Propaganda

Jan. 21, 2003


Stop Evil Interviews

Not long after July 20th 1999, three Falun Gong practitioners were informed by a residential committee that a newspaper reporter was going to interview them. The first Falun Gong practitioner knew that the purpose of the interview was to create negative propaganda, so he didn't show up.

People from the residential committee asked the 2nd Falun Gong practitioner what he was going to say for the interview. The practitioner replied: "To tell the truth, of course: Falun Gong is exceptionally good." Then the practitioner was told not to go for the interview.

The 3rd Falun Gong practitioner went for the interview and told the reporter: "I benefit from practicing Falun Gong. My health was poor, but after I started practicing, I became healthy." But the reporter said: "I cannot write this down; I have to say that you were 'deceived'." The Falun Gong practitioner pointed out his wrongdoing and refused to cooperate with him. In the end, nothing was published.

This Is My Mail

A Dafa practitioner mailed some truth clarifying materials to each department in his work place. One of his colleagues received the material and showed it to everyone in the office. Then a supervisor asked the colleague to hand in the material. The colleague said: "This is my mail, not yours. Why do I have to hand it in?" Then the supervisor said: "Well, I just have to pretend that I don't know anything." (Supervisors are told to report any kind of activities involving Falun Dafa practice, as Falun Dafa is still considered 'illegal' in mainland China.)