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The Beauty and Goodness of Dafa

Jan. 21, 2003 |   By a practitioner from China


What are the beauty and goodness of Dafa? The topic is very broad and the meanings too profound to completely convey. The following is an attempt to explain my understanding of the beauty and goodness of Dafa, which I would like to share with you.

The beauty and goodness of Dafa have manifested themselves in a wide area. Needless to say, practitioners whose celestial eyes are open have seen the splendor, the magnificence, and the greatness of the Fa manifest in various dimensions in varying degrees according to their level. However, using human language, they will never be able to adequately express to others the marvelous spectacles they have seen.

When one achieves righteous enlightenment from the universal principles without any pursuit, one's mind will instantly open up and perceive the Dafa principles revealing themselves. This is one form of manifestation of the beauty and goodness of Dafa, linked from the top down through to our human spatial dimension. The spectacular transformation taking place in other celestial dimensions and appearing in our human dimension in various forms, is also a form of the manifestation of the beauty and goodness of Dafa.

What was that feeling within us when we went out and clarified the truth with a pure mind, saw the people who had been misled break themselves away from the grip of the evil propaganda, and after hearing the truth, were hungry for more? And what was that feeling in us when we saw them finally enlighten to the truth and felt grateful for what we had done for them? Many of our fellow practitioners would have a feeling of accomplishment, and feel happy for those people who are enlightened to the truth, and even shed a tear or two for them. Isn't that also the beauty and goodness of Dafa?

When a conflict arises among us, we see each of us can genuinely let go of our own ego and personal notions, and dig deep down to look for our own shortcomings...how does that feel? Many of us have felt lighthearted, a sense of concern for one another, and like the vastness of the ocean and the immensity of the sky, a bigger capacity to embrace more. These are the beauty and goodness of Dafa.

After taking up Dafa, things we do and say have fallen back on the correct path again. And, after hearing the principles of Dafa and ways of proper living, people have become friendlier and treated each other more kindly. What does it signify? That is the beauty and goodness of Dafa.

Amidst danger, practitioners have walked out unharmed. People who have given kind thoughts towards Dafa are rewarded with blessings. Because of Teacher's mercy, many who had been doomed are now saved. Aren't all these the beauty and goodness of Dafa?

When we live as good persons, constantly improving ourselves to become unselfish and selfless by putting others before us, what is that feeling like within us? What is that towering, majestic, and sacred feeling we have? That is the beauty and goodness of Dafa.

Why did Teacher reveal to us the principle of the Universal Law? Why did Teacher tell us to find our own faults from within? Why did Teacher ask us to be good and selfless persons? Why did Teacher ask us to clarify the truth with a pure mind? And why did Teacher want us to study the Fa with a calm mind...?

What do the things above, including the opportunity we are given to help Teacher carry out his work on earth, signify? What are the reasons behind all the suffering the practitioners have gone through? Isn't it that Teacher wants to pass on to us, and all sentient beings, the infinite beauty and goodness of Dafa?