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Outrages Committed by the Police in the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp, Tangshan City, Hebei Province

Jan. 21, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) The First Female Forced Labor Camp, Tangshan City, Hebei Province is also called the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp. The police there ruthlessly torture people who firmly adhere to the practice of Falun Dafa.

On one occasion, vicious guards found a practitioner doing exercises, so they kicked her from the second floor down to the first floor. After she fell unconscious, the police claimed she was feigning death, so they kicked her face, stepped on her head and rolled over her hands with their boots until her fingers were bruised and lacerated with blood. When a practitioner tried to dissuade the police from torturing others, a wicked cop gave her a punch that caused her face to bleed. Another practitioner went to ask the director of the forced labor camp to stop torturing the Falun Gong practitioners, but the director beat her onto the ground with a punch. As the other practitioners stepped forward one after another to stop the evil atrocities, the police dragged them into the hall and handcuffed their hands behind the backs or legs of the chairs so that they could neither stand up nor sit down. After being handcuffed for days, their lower halves were swollen with the handcuffs biting into their flesh. The practitioners continued to try to dissuade the police from doing evil, but the police sealed their mouths with tape and didn't allow them to use the toilet, so they had to urinate and defecate in their pants. In addition, the cops stripped some practitioners' of their coats causing them to freeze.

To protest the vicious police's atrocities, the practitioners went on a hunger strike. In each case several cops held a practitioner on the ground for force-feeding. The abusers inserted a tube into the victim's stomach through the nose and then dragged it out. Doing this kind of in and out a few times causes bleeding from the victim's nose. Then the police force-fed each practitioner hot mashed corn, each bowl of which was enough to cause the stomach to bloat, yet every victim was force-fed two or even three bowls each time.

To compel the practitioners to renounce their belief, the police forced them to keep sitting on a small bench for six or seven days at a time, and forbid them sleep for over a dozen days in a row while watching video programs slandering Falun Gong. Some of the practitioners were exposed under burning sun and fell unconscious, but the guards still kept them outdoors and made them suffer in a heavy rain for three days. Some of the practitioners were hung up on basketball poles and suffered electric shocks until they lost consciousness.

One of the practitioners was imprisoned in a small cell. A policewoman let a policeman shock the practitioner until she went down in a faint. The policeman said, "I guess she is dead," but the policewoman replied, "No big deal. Count it as committing suicide."

The police dragged a practitioner around before hanging her up to a tree. The skin and flesh of her heel were worn, literally, to the bone. The police tore off her coat exposing her upper half.

The police also instigate the prisoners to torture the practitioners by threatening to have their terms extended if they do not participate.