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Break through Barriers as One Body

Jan. 21, 2003 |   By a US Practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Amidst the gloom and smoke, a magnificent light descends. The eyes of those who see it are dazzled -- its glow is brighter than any earthly flame. Human minds cannot comprehend its glory and darkened spirits search for shadows, but great hearts are illuminated and welcome its guidance. The light reveals a righteous path to the truth. The dreamers awaken from their deluded sleep and realize the circles in which they have been walking. With help, they find their way, climbing the stairs of cultivation through trials. Along the journey, others come to join them and they ascend together, the path proving less arduous when united.

Together they continue until they reach a wall blocking their path. They look at each other and think, "We have never seen such a high wall. Perhaps we took a wrong turn?" One steps up to the wall and tries to push it, as if it were merely an illusion, but it does not move. Another becomes frustrated and is about to turn back, but at that moment, a small voice comes out of the group. "Do not flee!" the voice cries. "Would you run back into delusion because of such a small obstacle?" Out of the group a small boy emerges, his eyes filled with compassion. He looks up at the man and smiles. "We are as small as you want to believe. Is it a wall or just a higher step?" As he says this, the boy steps right over the wall. The man looks back at the rest of the group, somewhat in awe. His notions have misled him, but the compassion of a fellow practitioner has helped him. He remembers his teachings, turns back around and steps over the wall.

In my view, the boy represents our cultivated and pure side, and the man is the side with human notions. However, together they were able to overcome the obstacle. Together, as one body, they are able to do anything.

Our Master has given us so many things. He has given us the Fa, a path to cultivate, and so many things we cannot see. We have witnessed the changes in our characters and conduct, and these are merely on the surface. Master Li has also brought us together.

We are all sitting here because we are Falun Dafa cultivators. We share the same principles and have the wish to become better people. But our main purpose in meeting is to become more effective as a whole. This is a very important issue. For instance, what if we had no control of our limbs? It has come to the decisive moment in the battle, but we cannot move. We try to move our arm, but it goes off in its own direction. Does it matter how strong the hand is if we have no control over the elbow? Oneness solidifies and harmonizes all of the limbs. We are practitioners. We are Dafa cultivators. We can do what no one else can. From my understanding, that is why we are here. We have been placed in Florida and are all gathered here for the same purpose. Something unprecedented is taking place in the world today and we all have a huge impact on this stage of history.

The talents and assets of cultivators are undeniable. A simple smile can change the mood of a room. Master Li has told us that we can change our environment. We have been changing the environment around us and abroad, and we must continue to strive forward.

A simple example of this took place as I was rehearsing with my band. I was frustrated about our performance and other trivial matters. As a result, not only did my performance suffer, but the entire band had difficulty playing. So we took a break and I cleared my mind. I realized I wasn't putting the Fa first in my thoughts and actions. When we started to play again, I was positive and clear-headed and the music sounded great.

My interpretation of this is that we can change our environments for better or for worse. When we are down, we bring those around us down, but when we are positive and full of compassion, those around us are also affected positively. I think the effects of this can be far reaching, even if we can't see them on the surface.

Another experience I have had involved clarifying the truth in a chat room online. I spoke to one Chinese person for about an hour about Chinese culture before I told her I was a practitioner. Her attitude immediately changed. Before I told her I was a practitioner, she said she wished more Americans thought like me. She even said that I was a genius! But afterwards, she totally changed. She said many bad things about Dafa. I tried to get through to her, but I couldn't. What she said was obviously influenced by propaganda and not her words. This was my most direct contact with a person who had been poisoned by the evil. It made me feel sad that I couldn't break through. She seemed very kind until I told her about Falun Gong. It was as if someone was whispering these bad things in her ear. But I have to believe that my talking to her had some effect. I know that I thought about our conversation afterwards, and I think she did as well. I hope she can change her mind.

Although that particular instance didn't go as planned, it made me aware of the things going on in China. It showed me how widespread and evil the persecution is. The media has set out to brainwash the citizens of China. It has also made me realize that I need to refine my approach in clarifying the truth. Falun Dafa is a very sensitive subject in China because of the evil. People do not know what to believe. For an American to tell them the situation in their country may not always work. Something I plan to try is describing the basic principles of Dafa to them and then telling them what they are. How could anyone say that kindness is a bad thing? If we can show them that Dafa has made us good people and that we live by Zhen-Shan-Ren in America, where we have nothing to do with the Jiang regime, something is bound to change within them. From the conversation before talking about Dafa, they will know that we are good people. This is just an idea.

It is obvious that we haven't reached every person in China yet if the one person I spoke with in a chat room had negative thoughts toward Dafa, so we must work even harder. Together we can do it. We have already broken through tremendous barriers and continue to do so. Together we can step over this wall. There is only one way to go, and that way is forward, as one body.

(Shared at the 2003 Florida Experience Sharing Conference)