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UK: Practitioners Collect Signatures in Cambridge to Rescue Family Members Persecuted in China (Photos)

Jan. 21, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) In the past week, Falun Dafa practitioners in Cambridge, United Kingdom, started a signature drive in the streets to help rescue our family members persecuted in China. On streets busy with pedestrians, they set up large display boards titled "Rescue our Family Members" with large color pictures of relatives who are persecuted in China. Accompanied with music "Pudu" and "Jishi", the appeal moved many people's hearts.

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Here are some short stories happened during the signature drive

Sarlue's Doll Bear

Sarlue is crystal clear lovely girl about ten years old. A while after she signed her name on the collection form, she went back with two more little friends to sign on our form. When she left, she put down her doll bear and wanted to give it to the young woman pictured on our poster. She hoped the young woman pictured could be rescued as soon as possible.

Respectful Vagrants

During the signature drive, we met many fair-minded vagrants. Though they looked a little dirty from outside, and sometimes you could smell alcohol from their breaths, their hearts were kind. Some of them talked impolitely but when they saw our "Rescue Family Members" board, they immediately changed to respectful and talked politely. "The (Jiang and Luo) guys are too bad," they often spoke out loudly for Falun Gong. They signed their names respectfully and then shook both hands with us. Their eyes were full of honesty. An old vagrant could hardly walk steadily. After he signed the name and left, he turned and bowed to us every a few steps to show his respect and support.

Suggestion from a Korean Scholar

One day, a scholar from Korea talked to us in English for a long time. Finally, he cleared his questions about Falun Gong. After he understood the truth, he suggested us to clarify the truth in a wider area and not to forget clarifying the truth in China neighbor countries such as Korea and Japan and ask these governments to stand up and condemn Jiang and Luo's Regime's terrorism actions. He believes that a moral-emphasized and reasonable Chinese government is good news to Asia and the world.

"I saw your parade before!"

We also met many people who came directly to sign their names when they saw our poster. They told us that they had seen our performances at a parade in Cambridge before. They already knew Falun Gong was very peaceful and beautiful. Such a beautiful exercise and so many kind and lovely people being persecuted in China are certainly not acceptable to them. So we learned that methods that everyday people can accept and like to see are effective ways to clarify the truth to normal people. It helped them to recognize the lies from evil propaganda and felt the beauty of Falun Dafa.

During the signature drive, people from many different walks of life signed their names including scientists, doctors, teachers, lawyers, students, managers, government officials, artists, safeguards, housewives, soldiers and vagrants. Some of them asked us if we would continue the signature drive at the same place the next day because they wanted to let their friends and relatives to come and sign too. Some of them wrote down our address or took a blank form back to home or office to let others to sign the names. Some Chinese friends and westerners who have relatives or friends in China asked for truth materials and CDs in Chinese after they signed the names. They hope more Chinese can learn the truth. Some church members also took the truth-clarifying materials to their churches. Some warmhearted people suggested us to contact medias like BBC so as to spread the truth in wider areas.