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Year End Meeting at the Tuanhe Labor Camp Exposes Jiang's Lies

Jan. 21, 2003


One day in December of 2002, the fifth division of Tuanhe Labor Camp in Beijing held a so-called "Exposing Meeting" at which practitioners who had promised to give up the practice of Dafa under pressure were forced to read their reports. The whole process was videotaped. Usually the policemen of the camp would use this kind of meeting to show their achievement [in forcing practitioners to give up their belief in Dafa], but this time they were all angry and embarrassed. Some people just read their reports casually, while two practitioners almost turned the meeting into a place to condemn the persecution.

The first practitioner, Zhang Bonan, is a farmer from Hebei Province. When he was on the stage, he spoke his mind. He talked about how he became a practitioner and how he was illegally arrested because he said some righteous and just words for Dafa. Mr. Zhang talked about how the policemen forced him to give up the practice, how he started a hunger strike, and how the policemen handcuffed his hands and legs. They force-fed him salt water. The torture caused his mouth, tongue and whole body to dry up and crack. He then talked about how he overcame the physical sufferings and reactions with his determination in Dafa. He also talked about how he was tortured and how the collaborators (former practitioners who have turned against Dafa under pressure) cheated him into writing the "three statements" (all are statements denouncing Dafa and promising not to practice Dafa anymore). Mr. Zhang's physical reaction is the best evidence. Before he compromised, he was on a hunger strike and went through all kinds of torture but his physical health was good. After his compromising, he became very weak and had trouble standing up or walking. Every day he lied in bed, he became very dizzy, he needed people's help to step onto the stage, and his physical examination results showed that he was in very bad condition. All of these revealed the real meaning of what the policemen said, "After compromising, Zhang Bonan's body was very relaxed and relieved."

Another practitioner, You Zhaohe, is an associate professor from the Beijing University of Politics and Law. His "exposing report" was directly questioning all the slanders against Falun Gong

His questions rendered the police and guards speechless and everyone knew whose lies he was exposing. In the end, the leaders of the fifth division had no choice but to end the meeting hastily.