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I Was Kidnapped, Beaten and Imprisoned by the Yilan County Detention Center in Heilongjiang Province

Jan. 22, 2003 |   By a practitioner in China


I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. At around 10 p.m. on October 13, 2002, I was asleep at home. Suddenly, I was awakened by somebody shouting my name. I saw more than ten policemen climbing over the front gate. By the time I realized what was happening, they had already burst into my bedroom.

Five or six policemen roughly pulled me off my bed and dragged me outside. I was wearing just underpants and did not have shoes on. I struggled and shouted out. My child was crying for her father, and my wife was trying to stop them also. The policemen forcibly stuffed me into their vehicle. In the process, my head sustained a two-inch cut and my face was covered with blood.

The police kidnapped me to the Yilan City First Detention Center. Sun Wanjie, head of the detention center, brutally punched and kicked me, ignoring the fact that I was already injured. Jiang Xinhou, a police officer of the detention center, also beat and verbally abused me. Then they sent me to detention room #10. There, Jiang also instigated the criminal inmates in that room to beat me some more. After I was beaten two or three times by the criminals, I was bleeding profusely. My blood was all over my bed and the wall.

In northern China, the October weather is very cold. When I was kidnapped, I was not wearing any clothing aside from my underpants, and I still did not have a warm blanket for sleeping. With the cold and pain from the beatings, I suffered terribly. It wasn't until the next afternoon that someone looked at my wounds.

On the third day, I was sent to the Number Two Detention Center, where I was illegally held for more than two months. My family's mill had 20,000 pounds of potatoes waiting for me to process, which were ruined by the cold because I was taken away. The mill had to close down. My economic losses were more than 5,000 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.] I suffered even more physically and mentally. However, the persecution I endured is just the tip of the iceberg. Most practitioners who are imprisoned suffer far worse fates.

The personnel responsible for this persecution:

Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary: Ma Guishan
The head of the detention center: Sun Wanjie
The deputy head of the detention center: Wang Zhigang
Police officers: Yu Baofu and Jiang Xinhou