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Fierce and Cruel Persecutors of Falun Dafa Practitioners Receive Karmic Retribution for their Evil Deeds

Jan. 22, 2003


Thirty-eight year old Zhang Yijun is a former policeman at the Tuanhe Assembly Division. Seeking profit and a boost in his career (Jiang's regime promised that "transforming" a Falun Gong practitioner will earn the responsible policeman one thousand Yuan, and can be used as credit for future promotion), he and former head of the Assembly Division, Liu Jinbiao, often shocked Dafa practitioners using electric batons without remorse. They once ordered more than ten policemen from the Nursing Division to bind Falun Dafa practitioner Sun Tiantong to a workbench, then used more than ten electric batons to shock him throughout the night. Another time, they used high voltage (up to 300,000 volts!) batons to shock Falun Dafa practitioner Wu Xiangwan for two hours. This shock treatment left Wu with bruises all over his body, which shook so uncontrollably that he couldn't pick up chopsticks to eat.

Zhang Yijun likes to visit houses of prostitution, and according to insiders, he often does so when he is out of town. Zhang often talks openly with criminals on salacious topics, and is known for indecent behavior in the office. While in front of Falun Dafa practitioners however, he feigned virtue and talked about his responsibility to the country and the people. Recently, Zhang and former vice director of the Tuanhe Labor Camp, Zhuang Xuhong, were both arrested by police at a house of prostitution, which indicates the low level of morality of those who follow Jiang to persecute Dafa practitioners.

After Zhang Yijun was arrested for this activity, he was fired immediately. His wife also suffered mishaps. In September 2001, she became paralyzed for life when a police car struck her in a car accident.

Jan. 11, 2003

[Editors' Note: In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionateáreminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.]