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Falun Dafa Practitioners Ask Judge, "Why Do Murderers Get Away, While People Who Expose the Truth of the Persecution Are Put on Trial?"

Jan. 22, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 9, 2003, several Dafa practitioners who exposed the inside story of the death of elderly, female Dafa practitioner, Li Yanhua, were put on trial at the Dashiqiao City Court in Liaoning Province. During the court session, practitioners were full of righteousness and they openly questioned the judge. They asked, "Why do murderers get away, while people who expose the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners are put on trial?"

The judge and policemen were unable to justify themselves. Holding the picture of Ms. Li's body that was covered with wounds, they still denied the fact that Ms. Li was beaten to death. Moreover, they tried to prevent practitioners from mentioning this fact. Instead, they kept questioning the practitioners who were responsible for sending out the news about Ms Li's death to the Clearwisdom.net website, attempting to charge those practitioners with leaking the truth of Ms. Li's death to the international community and causing a negative impact on the reputation of the nation. However, evil cannot suppress righteousness. The material evidence and testimony of practitioners and Ms Li's family members rendered the judge speechless. In the end, the judge had to announce the conclusion of the court session without delivering a verdict.

According to the insiders:

1) Ms. Li never had diabetes and was a very healthy elderly lady.

2) Witnesses say that there were bloodstains in Ms. Li's eyes and nostrils. There was a lump on the back of her head. Some people said that they would testify to the true story of Ms Li's death after Falun Gong is redressed.

For detailed information about Ms. Li's death, please refer to http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/3/20/5665.html