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Falun Dafa Granted Me a New Life and Greatly Uplifted My Spirit

Jan. 22, 2003


In July of 1995, I was diagnosed with a type of chronic leukemia. This stunning surprise drove me to despair, and I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. The unfortunate news also caused great agony amongst my family members.

At the end of the same year, a Falun Gong practitioner introduced me to Falun Gong. The practitioner also gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun [The main text of Falun Gong]. I accepted the book and read it over and over again. I felt that my spirit had been raised, and that my heart was brightened. Every sentence and every word from Teacher Li had been carved into my heart and soul. I followed the characteristics of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" so as to improve myself from within. As I upgraded my moral standard and virtue, my health started to improve and my body was becoming stronger and stronger every day. It was as if I had been provided with new flesh and bones. I had transformed into a new person. Teacher Li saved me and Falun Dafa had given me a new life.

I returned to my regular job six months later, and I carried on working until the end of 2000 when I retired. After my retirement, my wife and I hiked to the tops of Mount Hua and Mount Tai. We also visited the great mountains of Beiputuo, Jiuhua, and Song. Our good health and strong bodies are the result of following the guidance from Teacher and taking the path of cultivation. Regarding the improvement of my health, many people regarded it as a miracle. When I told them that the miracle was brought to me by Teacher and Falun Gong, they were all amazed and hence developed a deeper understanding of Falun Gong. Teacher Li gave me a new life, and I am determined in my cultivation in Falun Dafa.

Falun Dafa not only brought benefits to me, but under the protection from Teacher, my wife escaped two traffic accidents.

One time, my wife was riding a bicycle and a motorcycle collided with her. The impact sent her flying for more than two meters. My wife, however, was moved over to the sidewalk by a force. She thought, "This one was intended to take away my life. Teacher must be protecting me." At that time, she saw the motorcycle on the ground, and the young man who was riding it had received some minor injuries. My wife wanted to take him to the hospital, but he declined. She then tried to give him the 50 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China] that she had with her, which he also declined. So my wife said to him, "You need to be more careful from now on!" Then she left with her broken bicycle.

The other time, a taxi hit my wife while she was riding a bicycle. A traffic police officer came over and started to lecture the driver. The officer did not want to release the driver.

"Officer, just let him go," my wife said. "He did not hit me intentionally."

"How come you are so easy-going?" the officer asked my wife.

"I practice Falun Gong," my wife replied. "All Falun Gong practitioners are like this."

Having great compassion, my wife is working on saving sentient beings every day. This is all because she has Falun Dafa in her heart.

Our daughter has been very supportive ever since we started to practice Falun Gong. Once in a while, she even reads Zhuan Falun with us after she finishes her work. Although Jiang's regime is persecuting Dafa practitioners, and they have been slandering Falun Dafa and Teacher using all kinds of dirty tricks, they cannot sway our belief in Falun Dafa.