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A Non-Practitioner: "The Real Criminals Are the Policemen Who Persecute Dafa Practitioners"

Jan. 24, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) A prisoner with a long criminal record was held with Falun Gong practitioners at a detention center in China. The person in charge told him that, not only was he allowed to beat and curse Dafa practitioners, but his prison term would be reduced by a month if any practitioner renounced Dafa because of his actions. Prison term reduction is so valuable to prisoners. Through previous contact with Dafa practitioners, however, this prisoner had been moved by them. He had observed that Dafa practitioners had very high moral standards, and he chose to bypass the opportunity to reduce his prison term rather than abuse practitioners. He said, "The reform center is supposed to be a place where bad people are reformed, but it has become a place where good people are forced to commit brutal deeds. It seems that the real criminals are the policemen who persecute Dafa practitioners!"