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Past Karma and Present Disease

Jan. 28, 2003 |   Zi Jun

Modern medicine has developed to the point where new medicines and healing practices are appearing constantly. However, people still become sick, and illnesses are becoming increasingly complicated. After getting sick one will go see a doctor, take pills prescribed for them, receive injections, or get an operation. Modern medicine believes that for every disease, there is a corresponding way to heal it. In support of this theory, antibiotics were invented to fight viral and bacterial diseases, and vaccines to prevent viral diseases. However, whenever microbes or diseases become resistant to the medicines, there has to be a new search for a cure. As for those strange and difficult to cure diseases, there are no reliable methods of treating them. Patients who suffer from these seemingly incurable illnesses often turn to other kinds of treatments, like traditional Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, or qigong. These types of treatments usually are able to help alleviate the symptoms. How come modern medicine cannot treat these diseases yet traditional practices can? In the end, what are the causes of illnesses?

In the world of cultivation practice, it is perceived that karma accumulated from past lives causes humans to become ill. That is to say, humans do not live only one life, but many lives, and every sin committed accumulates over time. The more sins one commits, the harder it is for the disease to be cured. The karma from past lives has a causal effect on diseases in the present life. To most people today, these modern diseases might seem really strange and unbelievable. In reality, to this day there really are people who use this principle to treat illnesses. Actually, many conservative scientists have done a lot of research and have verified this point. The "past lives therapy" is just one typical example.

In the West, "past lives therapy" is getting more and more attention from the scientific community. The book Many Mansions, written by professor Gina Cerminara, records the treatment performed by Edgar Cayce after a reading of the patient's previous life.

Edgar Cayce was a psychic who could diagnose and treat patients who were many miles away. Among the many patients who were treated by Cayce, here is a case that can be used as an example:

There was an eleven-year-old boy who, from the time he was two years old, couldn't stop wetting his bed. When he was three, his parents took him to psychologists for treatment. After a year, there still weren't any results. His parents spent much time and effort to find a medical cure, but even at the age of eleven, he still could not stop wetting his bed.

When the boy was eleven years old, his parents decided to ask Edgar Cayce to treat him. After reading the boy's past life, Cayce found that during the seventeenth century the boy had been an English Bishop. He liked to test the prisoners during their trials. The prisoner was tied to a board and, from time to time, plunged into cold water.

This reading discovered his sins in his past life, and caused a mark on his kidney in this life to pay for the sins that he had committed.

After discovering the root, there was hope for a cure. When the boy was about to sleep at night, his parents sat beside his bed, and chanted phrases like, "You are a humane and kind person. You want everyone to be happy. You will help everyone you meet..." For the first night in nine years, that night, the boy did not wet his bed. His parents continued for a couple of months, and he was completely cured thereafter. Afterwards, the boy became a new person, and everyone loved him. He was warm-hearted and fair, also very tolerant of other people.

We see that past sins will not fly away like the dust of the body. If you plant peas you'll get peas, if you plant melons you'll get melons. Karma from the past will cause the pains of this lifetime. The phrase, "good and evil will be compensated," which has been passed on from generation to generation, explains the real cause and effect of life's events.

From: http://www.pureinsight.org/pi/articles/2002/12/23/1279.html