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Female Dafa Practitioner Bi Yunping Tortured to Death at the Harbin City Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province

Jan. 5, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) The Falun Dafa Information Center reported on December 30, 2002: On January 22, 2002, on her way to pick up truth-clarifying materials, Bi Yunping was kidnapped and sent to the Harbin City Second Detention Center in Heilongjiang Province. On October 13, she was illegally sentenced to three years imprisonment and sent to Harbin City Women's Prison. She refused to wear the prisoner uniform and went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. She was brutally force-fed and subjected to inhumane tortures. At 1:00 a.m. on November 2, 2002, she passed away due to the torture.

Bi Yunping started to practice Falun Gong in 1996. After Jiang's regime began its persecution of Falun Gong, she stepped forward to validate Dafa. She was arrested once before by her local policemen.

When someone called the Heilongjiang Province Prison Administration Bureau, the man who answered the phone refused to confirm Bi Yunping's death using the pretext that he wasn't clear about what was going on. It is known that in China, all the practitioners who are tortured to death will be reported to the top. It is very unlikely that the Prison Administration Bureau does not know about Bi Yunping's death.

According the Falun Dafa Information Center, the verified death toll of Falun Gong practitioners has reached 540.