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Cherish Our Role as Dafa Disciples

Jan. 5, 2003 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I did not realize the sinister intentions nor truly recognize the nature of the evil until I was tortured by vicious police officers. They tried to extract a confession from me. They extorted money from me and sent me to a forced labor camp. Because of this, I lost my job, had my family broken apart, and was further mentally tortured. It was not until I had no other choice that I finally remembered to oppose them. But it was too late and the loss was tremendous.

"Good people" are not "people who are easy to take advantage of." Here I write down my personal experience to kindly remind fellow practitioners not to show any mercy to the evil forces in other dimensions who attempt to impede us from believing in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and to remind practitioners to steadfastly send forth our all-conquering righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil.

Through studying the Fa I realized that we should not be abducted. The evil is not worthy of testing Dafa disciples. We absolutely have the ability to do everything. Being arrested showed that I cooperated with the evil. The evil is not worthy of touching Dafa, nor is it worthy of touching my body. With the loopholes in my xinxing, and my lack of deep understanding of the Fa, I indulged the evil.

The evil's persecution is very hard to withstand if we're opposing it with the human side. If we use our divine side, however, the evil is nothing. A single thought that is different for a human than for a god will make the results completely different.

While in the forced labor camp, the police officers did not allow me to practice Falun Gong exercises, so I went on a hunger strike. I made up my mind to let go of my attachment to life and death, and to not be moved at all no matter how much they force-fed me, gave me injections, handcuffed me or beguiled me with hypocrisy. In the end, the police locked me alone in a separate cell, where I could freely practice the exercises.

The foundation of cultivation is determined in Dafa and always remembering that we're Dafa disciples. Steadfastness comes from one's righteous faith in Dafa. The collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] who do the so-called "reform" work have all studied the Fa before. They seem quite capable of deluding people. If one follows their way of thinking, one would be led awry. I did not argue with these people who have betrayed Dafa, nor did I agree with them. Instead, I used my wisdom to deal with them. They surrounded me and kept talking to me, but I heard as if I did not hear and I saw as if I did not see. I often interrupted their way of thinking and switched to another topic. When they became exhausted, I then turned the tables and reformed them.

I said, "Your set of theories was obtained after you were detained in the forced labor camp. Now it seems that you are discussing some scientific issues, don't you think this is ridiculous? I cultivate Dafa because I find it good through my own experiences. No one ever forced me to practice cultivation. As for whether Dafa is good or not, you don't have to argue that with me. Let me get out of here to understand it under circumstances free of coercion or persecution. Could you do that?"

In the meantime, I asked them to return to Dafa. I told them the reason that Teacher has kept waiting is to give them the opportunity to be awakened. Because of this, those who went astray do not come to me anymore. They said in private, "This person has only two words left, 'resolute determination.'"

From this I understand that one's persisting in thinking that he himself is a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period means that one keeps the connection with Teacher and Teacher will therefore protect him. The old forces want us to cut our connections with Teacher. They first try to make detained practitioners declare that they will not practice anymore, even if it's just lip service. That would still remove their title of "Dafa disciples," and then the old forces can persecute them at will and Teacher can't help no matter how dearly he cherishes them.

The above is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out any incorrectness.