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More Falun Dafa Practitioners Around the World Wish Teacher a Happy New Year

Jan. 5, 2003


[Editor's note: We have received more greetings from Falun Dafa practitioners around the world wishing Teacher a Happy New Year. Due to limited resources, we can translate only part of the them. The ones not translated include those from Hebei Province, Chongqing, Jiangxi Province, Jiangsu Province, Hebei Province, Guangdong Province, Liaoning Province, Heilongjiang Province, Sichuan Province, Beijing, Gansu Province, Henan Province, Jilin Province, Hubei Province, and etc.]

Falun Dafa Practitioners in China's Academia Wish Teacher a Happy New Year

To our benevolent and great Teacher:

Under Teacher's benevolent care and with the efforts of the overseas Dafa practitioners, no matter how hard the evil forces try and how much money they spend, they can't block the wide spread of information about Dafa both inside and outside of China. We will surely apply our wisdom bestowed by Dafa in clarifying the truth, spreading Dafa, and validating Dafa.

All Falun Dafa Practitioners in Korea Wish Our Respected Teacher a Happy New Year!

At the New Year of 2003, all Falun Dafa practitioners in Korea wish our respected Teacher a Happy New Year!

We miss Teacher very much and look forward to the day when we can be together with you.

We will follow your teachings and do well in studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth during the Fa-rectification period. We will form an indestructible single body, treasure every day of the Fa-rectification period, walk every one of our steps well, and fulfill the great historic mission of Fa-rectification Dafa practitioners. We will live up to Teacher's expectations for us.

Falun Dafa Practitioners in Russia Wish Teacher a happy New Year!

At the New Year of 2003, all Falun Dafa practitioners in Russia wish Teacher a Happy New Year!

We also wish all fellow practitioners around the world a Happy New Year. This is a greeting card in Russian. The characters in the middle spell "Happy New year!" "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance".

Falun Dafa Practitioners From Turkey Wish Teacher a Happy New Year

Dear Teacher:

Practitioners in Turkey have been persisting in studying the Fa, doing the excises, and clarifying the truth to the people in the world for the past year. The Turkish version of Zhuan Falun is in the process of being translated. Some practitioners are advancing quickly.

Teacher please rest reassured that practitioners will earn Teacher's benevolent salvation.

New Year's Greetings From Falun Dafa Practitioners in Peru

At the New Year of 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners in Peru send our greetings, with highest respect, to benevolent and great Teacher. We wish Teacher a Happy New Year!

To all practitioners in China and their relatives, all practitioners in Hong Kong and in countries overseas: We Heshi and wish you a Happy New Year!

Falun Dafa Practitioners From Ningxia, Guangxi Province Wish Teacher a Happy New Year

Great and Benevolent Teacher:

Happy New Year! We will not disappoint you in your benevolent salvation or bring shame by not fulfilling our mission. We will meet the standard of Fa-rectification practitioners.

Falun Dafa Practitioners From Guangdong Province Wish Teacher a Happy New Year

Greetings Teacher! You have worked too hard! Dafa practitioners miss you.

At the coming New Year, practitioners from Guangdong Province send our sincere regards to benevolent and great Teacher: Happy New Year Teacher!

During the ten years of Fa-rectification, Teacher has exhausted everything for practitioners and endured immeasurable suffering. We practitioners can't find the words to express our great respect for Teacher. We can only give our pure and kind hearts to Teacher.

For the past years, we have experienced the evil's brutal persecution and slandering lies as well as people's misunderstandings and attacks. It was the faith bestowed by Teacher and Dafa that enabled the practitioners to firmly pass these tribulations. With Teacher's kind salvation, the practitioners have not been crushed. We became firmer, more clear-minded, and more mature. During the process of helping Teacher in the Fa-rectification, the practitioners will always follow Teacher's teaching, accomplish everything the Fa-rectification practitioners are supposed to, welcome the upcoming moment of Fa-rectification in the human world, and welcome our long-missed Teacher back home soon.

Here we also wish a Happy New Year to all practitioners in China and overseas. Let's join our hands and hearts to advance together in order to accomplish our historic mission of helping Teacher in the Fa-rectification.

Falun Dafa Practitioners From Jinan, Shandong Province Wish Teacher a Happy New Year

With the upcoming new spring, we practitioners in Jinan send our highest respects to Great Teacher.

Happy New Year Teacher! You have worked too hard. Teacher please rest assured that no matter how long the Fa-rectification lasts, we will put our hearts into every second and every minute of everything we do.

Greetings To Teacher Li From a Falun Dafa Practitioner's Second-Grade Child

Actually, I know that Falun Dafa is good, and you teach people to be good. Our family became harmonious after my Mom started practicing Falun Dafa. Therefore I thank you very much.

Practitioners from Czech and Slovak Republics Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year

A New year has come and we, Dafa disciples from Czech and Slovak republics, would like to send greetings to our Master from our hearts.

We treasure this precious time, in which we can follow our Teacher. We shall do our best to keep our steps steadfast, and although a cold wind blows heavily, we know these are its last blasts. With the truth on our lips we shall greet the new days to come.