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Solemn Declarations By Dafa Practitioners

Jan. 5, 2003

Solemn Declaration

By Dafa Practitioner Bai Guiling

Due to the fact that I gradually overlooked studying the Fa during my detainment, I did not use righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil's persecution, and thus accepted their "Education Assistants'" brainwashing sessions. At the same time, I had an attachment to consummation, because I felt I had endured too many hardships, so I did things that a practitioner should not have done. Not only did I write "repentance statements", and "exposing statements", I also went along with suggestions from the police to become their internal informant (since I used to know a lot of practitioners in different locations). After doing such serious bad things, our benevolent and great Master still did not want to leave me behind, and made me realise, not long after I was released, that I had walked down the wrong path. I hereby solemnly declare null and void all the "repentance statements", "exposing statements", "thank you statements" and "future plans" to be the internal informant for the police, which were written when I was in a confused state. I also declare to be void everything I said which brought damage to Dafa. I have let down Master and my fellow practitioners. Now I can only make up for the losses that I have caused and wash away my own stains, keep up with the process of Fa rectification, and be a true and noble Dafa practitioner.

August 15, 2002

From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2002/12/24/41585.html

Solemn Declaration

By Dafa Practitioner Zhu Yinghui

On January 31, 2002, when I was at home looking after my wife, who had been bedridden for five years, police charged into the house, and without a word took me to the local police station and placed me in a vicious brainwashing center. While in there, those evil people were promoting their false reasoning, but I was not affected, and continued to firmly believe in Master. However, due to the fact that I could not let go of worries about my completely dependent wife, I was forced to do what a Dafa practitioner should not have done. I hate everything that I have done, and feel unworthy of Master's compassionate salvation. In my future Fa-rectification cultivation, I am determined to make up for the losses, expose the evil, clarify the truth, and be a true Dafa practitioner. I hereby solemnly declare that everything I was forced to write in the brainwashing center, which has brought damage to Dafa, is completely void. All those words were not from my heart.

March 2, 2002

From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2002/12/25/41652.html

Solemn Declaration

By Dafa Practitioner Du Dianying

On August 13, 2002, I was forcefully arrested and brought to my county's "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over political and judiciary branches]. In the afternoon, I was taken to the brainwashing center. I was forbidden to sleep, and guards took turns, with four-hour shifts, to brainwash me. If one went on a hunger strike in protest of such treatment, they would force feed you, and refuse to let you go to the toilet afterwards. There were a few people who especially tried to misguide practitioners, using evil and demented theories. This caused some practitioners to fall in their trap, and write the "four statements" while in a dazed and confused state. I am one of the practitioners who had done such a thing, which has let down Master, Dafa and myself. When I think of it now, I feel deep regret and shame.

I hereby solemnly declare that everything I have written and done while in the Provincial Brainwashing Center to be completely void. In the future, I will continue to cultivate Dafa and closely follow the process of Fa-rectification. I will assist Master in Fa-rectification, and be a practitioner who is up to par. I will try to make up for the losses I have caused to Dafa.

October 5, 2002

From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2002/12/27/41751.html