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All My Diseases Disappeared After Beginning to Practice Falun Dafa

Jan. 5, 2003 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner from China

December 25, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) I am 68 years old, and I started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. I was very sick at the time and had a terrible sinus infection. I was not able to breathe through my nose at night. I saw many doctors and even had surgery, but even so, my problems got more and more serious. Then I started to practice Falun Gong and my symptoms all disappeared within two days. They have never recurred. I have not taken any medicine since then. My body feels very comfortable. I used to have many diseases, such as liver problems, disease of the gall bladder, and I had varicose veins in my legs. All of these problems disappeared after I began practicing Falun Gong.

Since practicing Falun Gong, my health has gotten better every day. I used to look sallow and thin, but now my skin is fair, I'm more full-bodied, and I have a healthy appetite. I feel very light when I walk. People ask me how is that although I'm get older, my health is getting better. I tell them it's because I practice Falun Gong. Truthfully, since practicing Falun Gong, I have not taken a single pill and so I've greatly reduced that burden on my family as well as removed my own suffering from illness. These benefits are truly what has happened since I began practicing Falun Dafa.