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Liaoning Province's Linghai City Police Severely Beat and Cripple Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Lingjun

Oct. 12, 2003


After receiving many phone calls from Falun Dafa practitioners overseas, the Linghai Police Department realized that their crimes had been exposed, so they became frightened and panicked.

They were worried that Mr. Li Lingjun would die if he didn't get medical treatment in time for his severe injuries, and that they would be held responsible for what had happened. So they concocted the excuse that "Mr. Li Lingjun was on the Public Security Bureau's wanted list, so he is not our responsibility," and sent Mr. Li to the Jinzhou Police Department. The Department then sent Mr. Li on to the First Jinzhou Detention Center for detention.

Mr. Li Lingjun was injured all over his body. His body was all blue and bruised. There wasn't an inch of his body that was in good shape and not injured. His clothes were all caked with blood, and the bone on his leg was fractured because the Linghai police had beat him up severely. In order to get further information and obtain rewards, the head of the Linghai Police Department assigned twelve policemen to torture him continually day and night. Several of his internal organs were severely damaged, he had internal bleeding and his head was severely misshapen, necessitating medical attention.

Ever since Mr. Li was arrested, he hasn't said a word. He went on a hunger strike (without food or water) and refused to cooperate with the evil people. It has been twenty days since he began.

Falun Dafa practitioners in the Jinzhou area, please continue to send forth righteous thoughts to help Mr. Li get out of there as soon as possible and again rejoin the grand current of Fa-rectification. Here, I would like to thank overseas Dafa practitioners for offering their selfless help in making phone calls to frighten the persecutors and thus lessen the persecution.

The Linghai City Police Department has a notorious reputation for acting like bandits, because they often deceive and oppress their countrymen. Over the past four years, they have made relentless efforts to persecute Dafa practitioners: ransacking their homes, brutal beatings, huge fines (often in the amount of 20,000 Yuan - yet this is a poor area where it would take most families a whole lifetime to save 20-30,000 Yuan. They would have to serve a forced labor term if they failed to come up with the money.) The police department's chief often hired local thugs and hit men from gangs to brutally torture Falun Dafa practitioners. The wicked policemen said of them: "Their methods of torture are numerous. We can take a break."

Linghai City Police Department phone: 86-416-8122676

Linghai City Police Brigade phone: 86-416-8122676

Chief: Li Xiao

Vice Chief: Wang Jinshan, Liu Shoucheng, Jin Tiequan, Zhang Bo

Linghai City Dalinghe District Police Department

Chief, Zhou Bao: 86-416-8133355

Vice Chief, Xin Qinghai: 86-416-8120783; Cui Yong: 86-416-8111198