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South Korea Falun Dafa Association Urges the Chinese Embassy to Delete Slanderous Articles

Oct. 13, 2003


On September 24, 2003, the South Korea Falun Dafa Association sent a letter to Li Bin, the Chinese Ambassador based in South Korea, requesting that he stop slandering Falun Gong within South Korea.

There are 32 articles posted in the "News and Topics" column on the Chinese Embassy web site that slander and defame Falun Gong. These articles have deeply harmed Falun Gong practitioners and their reputations, caused misunderstandings among those who do not know the truth about Falun Gong, and have deceived the public. The Dafa Association says that as long as these distorted and misleading articles are posted and not removed, they will continue to deceive readers.

The South Korean Falun Dafa Association deeply regrets that the slander and defamation have continued this long. Therefore, we seriously request that the Chinese Ambassador remove these slanderous articles immediately.

Once again, we urge Chinese Embassy to resolve this situation in good conscience.

South Korea Falun Dafa Association