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Some Thoughts After the Hacker Attack of FGMtv.org

Oct. 13, 2003 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, the FangGuangMing web site (FGMtv.org) was hacked for the second time, when hackers placed a "Trojan horse"* virus on the server. While it was the intruders themselves who created a truly damaging interference, we practitioners should all look toward ourselves and ask, "Why were they able to interfere and cause us harm?"

Many of the practitioners in China who frequently use the Internet seem to concentrate on breaking through the Internet information blockade and on learning new techniques. Sometimes, when I go to an online discussion forum to share experiences, I find that some participants, while superficially appearing to look at problems from a basis of the Fa, are actually trying to convince others of their own points of view by placing blame and criticizing rather than discussing with mercy and compassion. One should be aware that even today, there are still some spies lurking in these online forums.

The practitioners outside China may be busy at other things related to Fa-rectification. Their activity is mainly uploading materials, which is still focused on technological aspects. Staying at the human level of using preventive techniques alone cannot prevent the attacks on our web sites. Practitioners both inside and outside China have omissions, such as the attachments to doing things, and to not cultivating very well, which have created opportunities for evil to manifest.

Additionally, I suggest that practitioners both inside and outside China should maintain good habits of information security. We should scan our computers on a weekly basis with utilities such as Ad-aware and Norton Anti-virus software to detect and remove any viruses, data mining "spy" software or Trojan horses. We should not leave any omission as an invitation to evil, even at the superficial, human level.

However, human intelligence and the maximum effort that a human can possibly exert are both very limited. Fa-rectification period Falun Dafa disciples who limit themselves to these human endeavors will be leaving omissions in which evil can easily manifest. At this point, I feel it is appropriate to quote from Master's article,

"Be careful: When a problem arises, do not try to find out who should be held accountable. Instead, you should examine your own conduct. Do not try to look into who wrote them. Take a lesson from it and be careful in the future." (from "Correction," Falun Dafa Essentials for Further Advancement)

I suggest that all concerned practitioners calm their minds and study the Fa well. Studying the Fa and clearing our minds of human thoughts can only make our Dafa-related work purer, more efficient, and more like Dafa disciples' validating Dafa, rather than like everyday people doing everyday people's things.

The above is just my own enlightenment; please point out with compassion anything that is inappropriate.

Trojan horse*: a computer program named for the legend in which the Greeks won the Trojan War by hiding in a huge, hollow wooden horse to sneak into the fortified city of Troy. A "Trojan horse" program masquerades as a benign looking computer file but, when activated, acts as a security breach by doing any number of things, such as creating a "back door" for future entry to the site, or stealing user information and passwords and emailing them to a recipient in Mainland China, for example.

.[Related Article: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2003/6/12/36843.html]