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Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Eckernfoerde (Photos)

Oct. 13, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net October 12, 2003) On the 9th of September 2003, practitioners from different German cities met in the small town of Eckernfoerde on the east coast to hold an information day. They demonstrated the peaceful Falun Dafa exercises and told people the facts about Jiang Zemin's persecution.

Lots of tourists had already heard of Falun Gong. People were surprised and could not quite understand why Falun Dafa is being persecuted. They expressed sympathy for the practitioners who are still being persecuted in China and immediately signed a petition to end this persecution. Passers-by also felt that China's dictator, Jiang Zemin, should be brought to justice and held responsible for his actions.

A lot of tourists received information and asked questions about Falun Gong. Many tourists stopped to watch practitioners demonstrate the peaceful exercises. Even though the wind was ferocious and on many occasions nearly blew the roof off the practitioners' gazebo, they still clarified the facts to as many people as they could, and gave people the opportunity to express their opinion about this brutal persecution.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15622.html