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Taiwan: The Falun Dafa Association in Chung Cheng University Participates in a Joint Exhibition of Associations (Photos)

Oct. 13, 2003 |   By Dafa Practitioner in Taiwan Chung Cheng University

(Clearwisdom.net October 11, 2003) On September 29, 2003, the joint exhibition of associations was held in the student center at Chung Cheng University. Various associations and groups tried their best to present their characteristics. At the end of the hall, however, there was a unique group! They did not wear unusual costumes to attract visitors or use a loud speaker to catch students' attention. They smiled and said from the bottom of their heart, "We welcome you to learn Falun Dafa."

Handing out flyers in front of the student center"We welcome you to learn Falun Dafa."
Falun Dafa Association booth is the largestThe Falun Dafa Assoiciation booth

Falun Dafa Association in Chung Cheng University was set up three years ago. Since then, the association attended many events. For this year's joint exhibition, the practitioners forgot to apply in time, however, they were clear in their minds that it was a good opportunity to explain the facts of Dafa. Practitioners with righteous thoughts discussed the issue with the host organization. They were approved and assigned the largest booth on the exhibition day.