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Houston: Symbolic Trial of Jiang in Chinatown (Photos)

Oct. 18, 2003 |   Minghui Reporter Zeng Hong reporting from Houston

(Clearwisdom.net October 16, 2003) From October 10 to 12, to celebrate 7th anniversary of the first lecture in North America by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, over one thousand Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Houston Texas and organized a series of activities to expose the brutality of Jiang's regime and appeal for help to rescue the family members of Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China.

On the morning of October 11, on the wall of Ding Hao Chinese grocery, a large violet banner with golden words "Falun Dafa" was very eye-catching. Over one dozen practitioners used this place as a stage. First, some practitioners and students from Minghui school performed songs composed by Falun Dafa practitioners. Next, they performed a short drama of the symbolic trial of Jiang. The judge, lawyers, plaintiffs, and witnesses were all played by Falun Gong practitioners. The defendant was a puppet made by practitioners. This drama attracted many Chinese passersby.

Symbolic Court Witness Ms. Dai Zhizhen

Every Falun Gong practitioner is a witness to this evil persecution. Australian citizen Ms. Dai Zhizhen, a mother of a three-year-old daughter named "Fadu," has a moving experience. Fadu's father was beaten to death for telling people that Falun Gong is good and that his family truly benefited from practicing Falun Gong. His body did not receive proper burial treatment and Ms. Dai and her daughter were not allowed to go back to China. After the Australian government got involved in the matter and made a lot of effort, Ms. Dai finally went back to China and took back the ashes of her husband. For the past two years, Dai has been traveling around the world to appeal to people of many countries to be aware of the persecution in China and help to stop the persecution because she knows that there are numerous mothers in China that have lost their husbands and children that have lost their fathers or mothers. She makes this sacrifice in order to help those people and to prevent the tragedy from happening again.

A resident of Houston, Ms. Chen, provided evidence that the Jiang regime's persecution has extended to foreign countries. Chen registered a Falun Gong club in the university where she studies. The Chinese consulate noticed it and went to the university to harass her. They first went to the student administration to spread lies but they were told that the Falun Gong club was legally registered. They continued to spread lies among Chinese students and threatened the students. The Chinese students in the university heard the story but they were also under pressure. They couldn't believe that such things could happen in the United States, a land of freedom. However, they surrendered to the pressure and many left the club. Some of her friends also avoided her so as not to be harassed by people from the Chinese consulate. The consulate even assigned tasks to Chinese student organizations to monitor the Falun Gong club's activities.

Next, other witnesses talked about the crimes committed by Jiang and his "610 Office," and proved that Jiang has committed genocide, torture and crimes against humanity. The judge announced the defendant was guilty of all charges.