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Barbaric Torture Designed to Deliver Maximum Pain and Humiliation to Elderly Dafa Practitioner at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp

Oct. 18, 2003


1. Sixty-five Year Old Man is Hit with a Small Stool and a Water Bottle is hung from his Genitals

On June 3, 2001, Mr. Wang Enchang who at the time was 65 years old was brought to the Men's Group where Falun Gong practitioners are illegally detained. Group leader Wang Qi brutally tortured Wang Enchang in order to try to force him to give up the practice of Falun Gong. While beating Wang Enchang with both electric and rubber batons, Wang Qi said: "This is the law of our country." Then Wang Qi ordered two people to hit Wang Enchang's lower legs and knees with folding metal chairs and said: "I represent the government." Wang Enchang fell to the ground due to unbearable pain. Then Wang Qi ordered them to hit his shoulders and back with wooden rods and rubber batons. Wang Enchang felt his heart was exploding. Then the vicious men stepped heavily on Wang Enchang's genitals for over 10 minutes, giving him injuries that have still not healed. He is in so much pain that he wakes up more than ten times a night, and he is forced to kneel on the bed to relieve the unbearable pain in his groin and back . What's even more savage is that Wang Qi tied a water bottle to Wang Enchang's genitals to torture him. The only reason for the torture is to try to force him to give up Falun Gong and for Wang Qi to keep his "Advanced Group" title.

In the time that followed, two people beat Wang Enchang up every day, Wang Qi shouted: "Aren't you just a boiler worker! I represent the government to punish you." When Wang Enchang fainted from the beatings, they said he was feigning death, and handcuffed, and dragged him around. For four consecutive days, Wang Enchang was tortured until his body was covered with injuries. His bottom and legs all became dark purple. Many in the group witnessed the scene. Having suffered so much, Wang Enchang never gave up his righteous belief in Falun Gong.

2. Dafa Practitioner Liu Xiyong Was Detained in a Mini-cell for over 40 Days

Mr. Liu Xiyong is 62 years old. On June 16, 2002 at the Fifth Brigade, collaborator [former Falun Dafa practitioners who have given up their practice under severe pressure and torture and now assist the authorities in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners] Wang Changgu hit Liu with a wooden rod, and on June 17 slapped Liu on the head with the sole of a shoe to try to coerce him to give up the practice of Falun Gong. During August and September of 2002, Liu contracted scabies. Liu openly practiced Falun Gong. But using the excuse of treating scabies, jail guard Jin Dianke sent Liu to a mini-cell. Over there, five to six people beat Liu brutally. Guo Peng (Group Leader) stepped on Liu heavily while wearing leather shoes. For over 40 days, Liu was handcuffed to the bed and could not even turn his body over. No washing, teeth-brushing or going to the toilet was allowed. During that period of time, wicked police guards threatened him many times by saying: "Do you know what place this is? You are an elderly man, otherwise, we would give you a taste of death." Pan Guangwen and Xu Hui took part in the persecution of Liu.

3. Dafa Practitioner Liu Yonglai's Skin Was Burnt With Electric Batons

Mr. Liu Yonglai was sent to the Eighth Brigade on June 3, 2001. Brigade Head Qiao Wei ordered Liu to strip and pushed him on a bed face down. He then put a bench on top of him and ordered two people to sit on it. At the same time, Liu was blindfolded with a leather belt, his mouth was stuffed with a dirty mop and he was tied with rope. They poured water onto Liu and started to shock him with four or five electric batons at the same time. Sensitive parts like genitals, palms, foot arches, neck, mouth and ears were focal points. His skin was burnt and smelled horrible. The torture lasted several hours. Dafa practitioner Wang Enchang was on the scene also. Wang Qi shocked him with an electric baton and forced him to watch the torture and suffering of Liu.

Appendix: Cases of Term Extensions or Being Sent to the Intensive Persecution Group

1. Term Extensions.

Mr. Li Renlong was intensively monitored for more than one week of an extended term during the period of the 16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.

Mr. Liu Hongxue was detained in isolation for over ten extended days.

Mr. Cong Shuxin was detained in isolation for a week of extended days.

2. On July 30, 2003, Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Yongde (62 years old), Mr. Sun Jinhuan, and Mr. Sun Guanghong were brought to the fourth floor and were isolated and monitored by criminals. Washing and freedom were constrained. Collaborators [Former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture.] were used to try to brainwash them and abuse them.

October 5, 2003