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Practitioner Chen Ruichang, the Former Deputy Director of Guangdong TV Station's General Editorial Department, Is Illegally Imprisoned Once Again

Oct. 19, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioner Chen Ruichang, the former Deputy Director of the General Editorial Department of Guangdong's Television Station, was previously wrongfully imprisoned for two years because he firmly insisted on practicing Falun Dafa. Then, later he was released through the efforts of the Global Organization to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners. However, on June 15, 2003, he was abducted from his workplace. Now, nearly four months have passed, the police still haven't allowed his family members to visit him, and the government refuses to disclose the location where he is being imprisoned. However, inside sources say that he is being held in the Sanshui Labor Camp in Guangdong Province, and that members of the notorious "610 Office,"* knowing that Chen Ruichang's case has strong impact abroad, hope to brainwash him into renouncing Falun Dafa and becoming what they call one of the "key transformed people" so they can use him against Falun Dafa.

Chen Ruichang's younger brother, Australian citizen Charles Chen, is appealing to people from all walks of life to contact the relative departments of the Chinese government in order to rescue his brother before it's too late. We cannot stand by and allow another tragedy to occur--Ouyang Ming, the relative of another Australian citizen, was persecuted to death in China.

The people who are directly responsible for persecuting Chen Ruichang are the "610 Office" in Guangdong Province, Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, Liang Haoquan--the Director in Guangdong TV Station; Liang xx--Section Chief.

Police Department of Guangdong Province, Police Service for Hong Kong, Aomen and Taiwan citizens, Appeals: 86-20-83110110

Police Department of Guangdong Province, Reports: 86-20-83119134

Police Department of Guangdong Province, Office of the Legal System, Appeals: 86-20-83119404, 86-20-83119405

Police Department of Guangdong Province, "110" Report Service--police service, Appeals: 86-20-83110110

Police Department of Guangdong Province, Police Superintendent Team, Reports: 86-20-83110548

Police Department of Guangdong Province, General Appeals: 86-20-83830739

Police Department of Guangdong Province, Occupational Moral Superintendent: 86-20-83133958

Police Department of Guangdong Province, Police Superintendent Team, Appeals: 86-20-83110548

Police Department of Guangdong Province, Passport Management, Appeals: 86-20- 83119147

Police Department of Guangdong Province, Professional Team to Stop Severe Harm: 86-20-83119134

Police Department of Guangdong Province, General Traffic Police Team, Appeals: 86-20-86308800

Guangdong Provincial Government, Administrative Executive Superintendent's Office: 86-20-83132581

Radio, Movie and Television Bureau of Guangdong Province, Supervising Office: 86-20-83355188-2310

Supervising Department of Guangdong Province, Report Center: 86-20-87668899

National Security Institution of Guangdong Province, Reports: 86-20-87778088

Sanshui Forced Labor Camp: 86-757-7318294

The Political Consultation Secretariat of Guangdong Province (having "appeal function"): 86-20-3759-5107

Guangdong Provincial Government, General Office: 86-20-8334-4685

Address of the Guangdong TV Station: Guangdong TV Center, 331 Huanshi Donglu, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China 510066

Tel: 86-20-83355188 ext- (relative dep.)
Email: gdtv@gdtv.com.cn, webmaster@gdtv.com.cn

* "610 Office:" An agency specifically created to persecuteáFalun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.