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Zhao Guoyun and Five Other Dafa Practitioners from Beipiao, Liaoning Province Were Illegally Sentenced

Oct. 19, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Zhao Guoyun, Wang Wenfu and five other Falun Dafa practitioners from Beipiao, Liaoning Province were reported on by people when they went to Loudian Township to clarify the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong to the people there. Wang Wenfu skillfully hid himself, but the other six practitioners were arrested. Wang Wenfu then became homeless for two months, fearing illegal arrest. On August 15, 2003, Wang Wenfu was abducted because someone reported his whereabouts to police. This was the sixth time that this seventy-year-old man was illegally detained. The police attempted to extort 3,000 Yuan (The average monthly income for an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan) from his family in order to obtain his release, but they refused to pay the bribe. Right now the old man is still being held in the Beipiao City Detention Center.

On August 20, Beipiao City Court wrongfully sentenced six Dafa practitioners to prison to the following terms: Zhao Guoyun, 10 years; Sun Zheming, 10 years; Zhang Haifeng, 7 years; Wang Shoufen, 7 years; Wang Xiuying, 7 years; Xu Xiaoming 6 years.

The following people are responsible for torturing Falun Dafa practitioners in this area (The district Area Code is 0421):

Pei Hua, "610 Office" Chief: 86-421-5812610 (O), 86-421-5820008 (H), 86-13190265956 (Cell)

Wang Xue, Director of the Court: 86-421-5828158 (O), 86-421-6812999 (H), 86-13904219203 (Cell)
Liu Guoqing, leader of the Guard Team: 86-421-5816187 (O), 86-421-5823819 (H), 86-13904212633 (Cell)

The following people are also involved in persecuting the Falun Dafa practitioners in this area:

Liu Ziyu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee: 86-421-5822523 (O), 86-421-5821285 (H), 86-13904212328 (Cell)

Xiao Jianhui, Mayor: 86-421-5812238 (O), 86-421-2610808 (H), 86-13504218888 (Cell)

Zhu Changxi, Vice-Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee: 86-421-5823472 (O), 86-421-5823855 (H), 86-13842197188 (Cell)

Li Mingfang, Secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-421-5823740 (O), 86-421-5826719 (H), 86-13904212936 (Cell)

Cao Hongxiang, Chief of Police: 86-421-2620819 (H), 86-13904918397 (Cell)

Fang Zhenhua, Vice-Chief of Police: 86-421-5826418 (O), 86-421-5822369 (H), 86-13904212280 (Cell)

Yu Shangwen, Chief of Nanshan Police Station in Beipiao City: 86-421-5813569 (O), 86-421-5892258 (H), 86-1390415889 (Cell)

Zhao Xinde, Chief of Chengguan Police Station in Beipiao City: 86-421-5812437 (O), 86-421-5891961 (H), 86-13704915883 (Cell)

Bai Guangwu, Chief of Sanbao Police Station in Beipiao City: 86-421-5687064 (O), 86-421-5892219 (H), 86-13904212466 (Cell)

Ren Guocheng, Instructor at Sanbao Police Station in Beipiao City: 86-421-5887064 (O), 86-421-5801433 (H), 86-13019936885 (Cell)

Sun Qian, Instructor at Guanshan Police Station in Beipiao City: 86-421-5881978 (O), 86-421-5892155 (H), 86-13704917830 (Cell)

Du Dezeng, Chief of Qiaobei Police Station in Beipiao City: 86-421-5833421 (O), 86-421-5850313 (H), 86-13942114299 (Cell)

Yang Junsheng, Instructor at Qiaobei Police Station in Beipiao City: 86-421-5833421 (O), 86-421-5891422 (H), 86-13500415085 (Cell)

Yan Jiuling, Instructor of the Guard Team: 86-421-5816187 (O): 86-421-5825808 (H), 86-13500417062 (Cell)

Tang Guozhong, Chief District Prosecuting Attorney: 86-421-5822278 (O), 86-421-2961715 (H), 86-13504210655 (Cell)

Ming Zhiyou, Chief Officer of the Bureau of Education: 86-421-5822279 (O), 86-421-5815125 (H), 86-13942115252 (Cell)

Zhang Zicheng, Vice-Chief of the Bureau of Education: 86-421-5817665 (O), 86-421-5824220 (H), 86-13704915473 (Cell)

Li Hongwu, Headmaster of the 7th Middle School in Beipiao City: 86-421-5816193 (O), 86-421-5817636 (H)

Dafa practitioners outside of China please call the people responsible for persecuting Dafa and their family members to clarify the truth in order to suffocate the evil.