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Police in Wuqiao County, Hebei Province Persecute Dafa Practitioners Mr. and Mrs. Liu Zhigang, As Well As Their Relatives and Friends

Oct. 20, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Liu Zhigang was a teacher in Sangyuan Town Middle School, of Wuqiao County, Hebei Province. His wife, Gao Lihua, worked in a factory owned by the Wuqiao County Food Bureau. In July 2001, under the persecution of Jiang's regime, the couple was forced to leave their home and work to live on the streets. As of October 1, 2003, the Wuqiao County police have continuously harassed their friends and relatives, including their child, who does not practice Falun Dafa. Coordinated by Jing County police department, officers posted in Wuqiao County have been incited to deceive, impose fines, and falsely arrest Liu Zhigang and Gao Lihua's family both day and night for over two years.

In August 2001, police officers from Wuqiao County caught Mr. Liu's brother-in-law, beat him, forced him to sit on the tiger bench (a torture device), and interrogated him for the whereabouts of the practitioners. He was released after they accepted a bribe from his family. In September of the same year, they arrested Mr. Liu's older sister's son and interrogated him. He was released after his family was forced to pay 3,000 Yuan. *

In October 2002, police from Wuqiao County arrested Mr. Liu's second oldest brother (Mr. Liu's fifteen-year-old daughter lived in his second oldest brother's home). Because his 57 year-old brother exhibited high blood pressure, dizziness, and continuous vomiting after being arrested the police were afraid and released him the same day. Before the police had always wanted to arrest Mr. Liu's younger brother, because Mr. Liu's daughter lived in his younger brother's home at that time.

A few days before the Chinese Spring Festival of this year Mr. Liu's 80-year-old mother passed away. She had been harassed and her home violated on numerous occasions by the police. At the funeral the police infiltrated and wanted to arrest the homeless practitioners, but they could not.

On the eve of the Chinese Spring Festival, they went after Mr. Liu's mother and father in-law. In June 2003, in order to trace Mr. Liu's whereabouts, police officers from Wuqiao County illegally arrested his third brother-in-law and detained him for nearly one month, and applied torture to try to get information. They then extorted ten thousand Yuan RMB from his family before releasing him. Next they wanted to arrest Mr. Liu's cousin, who is 60 years old, so his cousin was forced to leave home to avoid persecution.

In June, 2003, under the coordination of Jing County, looking to catch Mr. and Mrs. Liu, the Wuqiao County police department illegally ordered the suspension of their daughter's classes for over ten days, which posed detriment to her school exams.

For over two years, Jing County and Wuqiao County police departments have stooped to new lows trying to illegally arrest determined Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. and Mrs. Liu.

Those individuals who are identified as primary perpetrators of this persecution include:

Li Liping, the vice-president in charge of Falun Gong in Wuqiao County Police Station. Cell phone: 86-13932798628.

Cui Jinghai, the chief of political protection brigade of Wuqiao County Police Station. Cell phone: 86-13131793099.

Lu Baoli, the squadron commander of political protection brigade of Wuqiao County Police Station. Cell phone: 86-13703177089.

Wang Qiwen, the secretary of political committee of Wuqiao County Police Station.

*Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.
