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On the Day of Her Scheduled Release from Labor Camp, Ms. Dong Mei Is Sent to Another Camp to Be Brainwashed

Oct. 22, 2003


October 8, 2003 was the scheduled day of freedom for Ms Dong Mei after she had been illegally sentenced to a labor camp. She would not give up her belief as the authorities demanded, however, so the police and law committee of the Dadong District and the Xindong Police Station, Xindong Street Community Office directly sent her to the Zhangshi Labor Camp from the Longshan Labor Camp on October 8th instead of releasing her.

Miss Dong Mei, 33 years old, was an accounting supervisor at the Hanhuang Business Hotel (owned by a Taiwanese businessman) in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. For handing out Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials at Shenyang Northeast Industry University on July 7, 2001, she was taken away by the police and sentenced to two years at the Longshan Labor Camp.

She should have been released on July 8, 2003, but her sentence was extended 3 months to October 8th. (For details of Miss Dong Mei's detention, please refer to "Longshan Labor Camp Guards Torture Dafa Practitioner Ms. Dong Mei" )

We hereby appeal to people to clarify the truth by telephone and letter, etc.

The telephone number and address of involved departments are:

Telephone no. of Longshan Labor Camp: 86-24-24760033
No. 1 Unit: 86-24-24760033 x8213, or x8212
Political Section: 86-24-24760033 x8112

Telephone no. of Zhangshi Labor Camp: 86-24-25361754

Administer section of Zhangshi Labor Camp: 86-24-25811657, 86-24-25811634.