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I Sincerely and Joyfully Believe in Falun Dafa

Oct. 22, 2003


In the spring of 1996, my husband was not physically well. He went to the hospital for a physical examination and the diagnosis said that he had throat cancer. My family was astonished by this unexpected news and our family spirit collapsed overnight.

Under this unbearable condition, my husband arranged and finished the wedding for our son. A few days later, I accompanied him to the cancer hospital in Shandong province. His cancer had progressed very quickly and he could eat rice paste to sustain his life. Right after he moved into the hospital, the doctor performed a completed physical examination and the size of the cancer tumor was already about nine centimeters (almost 4 inches). It was arranged to move him to the x-ray chemotherapy section.

At the hospital, we met a lot of tumor patients that had come from all over the country. One of them was a thirty-year-old man from the steel industry in Jinan city. He had lung cancer and the tumor had spread into his brain. The tumors had grown to 3 centimeters (about 1.2 inch) in his brain and his lung. When he had just moved into the hospital, his spirit was very low and he always yelled at his wife and his wife always cried alone. After we moved into the hospital, Teacher Li's Falun Dafa had spread throughout the whole country and it had also spread to this hospital. A lot of patients had read the book Zhuan Falun and their moods became better every day. They woke up before dawn to do the exercises and read Zhuan Falun during the daytime. Their health became better everyday and the loud fighting had disappeared.

The steel worker from Jinan city did things according to the teaching of Zhuan Falun and did the exercise twice every day. Within a month, a miracle appeared. The doctor planned to use a locator instrument to set up an X-ray treatment for his brain tumor. The locator machine could not find the three-centimeter tumor inside his brain. The original CT film clearly showed the tumor, but where did the tumor go now? Also the tumor size in the lung had shrunk until it became really small. The doctor and the hospital patients all felt very strange. The couple had both read Zhuan Falun and immediately understood what was going on. Then they talked to the doctor and said "We would like to be discharged from the hospital and go home to practice Falun Gong. It is free, painless, and remarkable." Before they left, we sent them away and his wife gave us a copy of Zhuan Falun as a gift. They said to us with sincerity, "Why don't you guys also check it out? If your husband follows Teacher Li's teaching, then his health will become better." Right from that day, I asked my husband to practice Falun Gong, but he was very stubborn and did not believe in cultivation. Therefore he received the four months of X-ray treatment. The tumor did not get cured, but had spread into the arms. At the end he received seven days of chemotherapy and his physical condition started to deteriorate every day. We spent about fifty thousand Yuan and all he had obtained was difficulty walking. He died two months later, after being discharged from the hospital.

After my husband died, there were so many tedious things going on in my house. People who had borrowed money from us were not willing to repay it. As a female, I did not have any other choice except to use a law suit to protect my rights. But the lawsuit had lasted for four years. Those four years were not easy for me. With the fatigue in my body, and the anger and pain of my heart, my physical body had a lot of problems.

July 20th, 1999, during the large scale arrests of Falun Gong practitioners, some of my peers went to Beijing to appeal. They were all picked up by the authorities and taken back to our work unit and put in the detention center. The police forced them to pay a couple of thousand Yuan in penalty. One of my co-worker's paycheck card was taken away and police said that they wanted to fine him twenty thousand Yuan. The practitioner told me that the money was nothing and he has the right to say righteous words for his teacher as a practitioner. Falun Dafa is good and that is a true statement.

At that time, I was not a practitioner and did not know the truth, so I said to my co-workers that if the governement did not want you to practice, then why don't they stop practicing? My colleague told me that "You did not practice, so you don't know that Teacher's book is very good. It teaches people to become better people, and to do good things. No matter who practiced it, they would not give it up."

Later on, I bumped into that co-worker and I told her that after my husband died, the past few years were not easy for me. With tiredness of my body, and the anger and pain of my heart, my physical body had a lot of problems. She told me about her experience in practicing Falun Gong and sincerely asked me to practice Falun Gong. After I got home, I took out the Zhuan Falun that was given to me some time ago and read it very sincerely, gaining new understandings of many concepts. The more I read it, the more peaceful my heart became. I regretted that I had not practiced earlier and caught up with teacher's Fa-rectification, and decided to diligently practice from then on.

I did the exercises each day and on the 6th day, a miracle happened. My long time nasal problem was cured suddenly. The color of the fluid from my nose was no longer yellow, and I felt very at ease. My arm used to hurt a lot, so that I could not even carry the cover of a fry pan. After a month of practice, my arm was cured. After continuing to practice Falun Gong for half a year, my longtime diarrhea was cured.

One day in the summer of this year, the weather was very hot. A couple of us practitioners studied the Fa, practiced the exercises, and sent forth righteous thoughts together for the whole afternoon. The next day, I suddenly had diarrhea, but I was not bothered by it. I kept on studying the Fa and doing the exercises, then on the 3rd day, I returned to normal again. On the 2nd day after having diarrhea, my 8-year-old grand son said to me, "Granny, why do you smell like medicine?" I suddenly realized that when we studied the Fa, practiced the exercises, and sent forth righteous thoughts together, Teacher's law body had purified my body; and the medicine that I took a long time ago had all been given away. I recited in my heart to my respectful Teacher, "Thank you so much for being so kind to me and I will not let you down in my cultivation."

After all this, all my sicknesses disappeared and I my body felt very light. A lot of my peers asked me why I'm so energetic and look much younger, and also my skin has become very white and soft. They asked me which cosmetic I used or which beauty salon that I went to. I was very happy to tell them that "I had done nothing except practice Falun Gong and all you guys should try it out" and they expressed that they will try to practice it when they get home.