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Taipei Minghui School Report (Photos)

Oct. 24, 2003 |   By a Taiwan practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net October 23, 2003) The Minghui School of Taipei has been established for nearly two years. Currently the classes are held on the afternoon of every second and fourth Sunday of each month. The current classes are: kindergarten, grade school, and Taiwanese language class.

Besides the biweekly classes, the Minghui School has organized activities such as summer camp, winter camp, and one-day field trips for Fa-study and visiting certain places. Many young practitioners also participated in the north district group study.

There were many kinds of activities during the classes, but the Fa-study is a must in the schedule, as the Minghui School has created a great environment for young practitioners to study together. The materials include Zhuan Falun, Hongyin, and Essentials for Further Advancement, and new articles by Teacher.

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Kindergarten class
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Young practitioners read Zhuan Falun with pronunciations annotated

Students studying the Fa together

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Winter camp Fa-study

North district children's Fa-study group

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Field trip