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Breaking Through Sickness Karma with Righteous Thoughts

Oct. 24, 2003

September 27, 2003


A local practitioner was released from Nanmusi Labor Camp after being brainwashed. Because she failed to study the Fa sufficiently, she developed a strong attachment to fear after witnessing the brutality at the labor camp. She was afraid she would not be able to bear persecution like that, so her environment became worse.

In order to help her resolve this problem, I frequently visited her at home. On the day that she finally agreed to come out to share experiences, suddenly I felt pain and numbness under my left eye. My face muscles felt tight, and small blisters appeared on my face. I realized that it was not a coincidence that this happened just then. It must be the old forces thinking, "You want to rectify the people I 'transformed', so I will not let you meet them."

The next morning the blisters had not changed, and by the afternoon, they were all over my face. They were red and swollen and gradually turned a dirty red; my face stung as if someone had sprayed it with hot chili peppers. My whole body was burning and felt very uncomfortable; I was also very thirsty. As the blisters broke, the thick yellow liquid stank. After it was released, I felt a painful coldness that went deep into my bones.

While the blisters were all over my face, I kept a bucket of water by my side. I drank when I felt thirsty and cleaned the yellow liquid from the blisters with a towel. I continued to send forth righteous thoughts every hour to eliminate the evil's interference and persecution, and denied the old forces' arrangement. I listened to Teacher's lectures and practiced the exercises diligently. By the second week the old forces became scared, and I was completely cured by the third week.